
"Show me, little boy." Lucy demanded, "I reckon whatever you are, you're still in the shape of a girl. How strong is she, do you think? Does she really want to see this?" Latimer aims the watch at Lucy and the golden energy shows her an explosion. She runs away scared of the sight she had seen.

The army of scarecrows moves forward.

"Stand to!" The scarecrows hammer at the main gate. "At post!" Everyone takes aim, "Enemy approaching, sir." Someone shouted from of the side, "Steady. Find the biting point." The scarecrows break in. "Fire!"

The boys open fire and take down scarecrows as they advance. Theta does not squeeze his trigger. We are treated to another chorus of To Be A Pilgrim as a contrast to the automatic gunfire. All the scarecrows are down. "Cease fire!" He walks over to the scarecrows. "They're straw. Like he said, straw." Rocastle scoffed, "The no one's dead, sir? We killed no one?" Footsteps on the gravel. "Stand to!" It is Lucy and her balloon, "You, child. Come out of the way. Come into the school. You don't know who's out there. It's the Cartwright girl, isn't it? Come here. Come to me.

Martha runs out of the school, "Mister Rocastle! Please, don't go near her." He doesn't listen though as he glared at Martha. "You were told to be quiet." Rocastle snapped angrily, "Just listen to me. She's part of it. Matron, tell him." Martha turned to her as she shook her head. "I think that. I don't know. I think you should stay back, Headmaster." Martha turns to us, "Mister Smith."

"She was, she was with, with Baines in the village."

"Mister Smith, I've seen many strange sights this night, but there is no cause on God's Earth that would allow me to see this child in the field of battle, sir. Come with me."

"You're funny."

"That's right. Now take my hand." He reached for her but she just chuckled. "So funny." Lucy produces a ray gun and vapourises the Headmaster. "Now who's going to shoot me. Any of you, really?" Lucy asked smugly, "Put down your guns." Theta tried but it wasn't working. "But sir, the Headmaster." Hutchinson tried, "I'll not see this happen. Not anymore. You will retreat in an orderly fashion back through the school. Hutchinson, lead the way."

"But sir."

"I said, lead the way." Theta spoke, "Well, go on, then. Run!" Baines fires his gun into the air, "Come on!"


The boys scatter through the buildings, followed by the reanimated scarecrows. Latimer runs upstairs, "Let's go. Quick as you can." Theta rushed us all up. "Don't go to the village. It's not safe." Latimer insisted, "And you, ladies."

"Not till we've got the boys out."

"Now, I insist. The pair of you, just go. If there are any more boys inside, I'll find them." He opens the door. There are scarecrows on the other side. He slams it shut and locks it. "I think, retreat."

Latimer is running for the woods when Baines and Jenny get to the dormitory. Clark stands outside the building, shouting, as Theta, Joan, Martha and I are hiding in the bushes. "Doctor! Doctor!" He has the Tardis with him. "Come back, Doctor. Come home. Come and claim your prize." He taunted, "Out you come, Doctor. There's a good boy. Come to the Family." Baines also tried with a smirk, "Time to end it now." Jenny snarled, "You recognise it, don't you?" Martha spoke towards Theta. "Come out, Doctor. Come to us!"

"I've never seen it in my life."

"Do you remember its name?"

"I'm sorry, John, but you wrote about it. The blue box. You dreamt of a blue box."

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