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"In other news tonight, former high social leader Edmond Fletcher, his wife, former socialite Fanny Fletcher and their daughter, former socialite Mary Ann Fletcher, were all found guilty of grand theft. They stole items that belonged to the estate of former Business whiz Jeremiah Fletcher, father of the convicted thief. The estate was passed on to the the oldest daughter Lydia Fletcher, when it was found that several pieces valuing hundreds of thousands of dollars was missing.

"Security footage shows Mrs. Fletcher and Mr. Fletcher handing the items to their youngest daughter Mary Ann Fletcher who then passed them onto a Mr. Lewis Barney, former CEO of Barney enterprises. 

"Mr. Barney was found guilty of embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars of his company before Miss Lydia Fletcher, CEO of Fletcher Inc. also had him indicted on the grand theft from her estate.

"There was ample evidence found that Mr. Barney took the items that were given to him and sold them illegally and divided the money between the Fletchers and himself.

"The Fletchers will spend ten to twenty years in jail with no chance of parole since they have shown no regret and just cursed out their older daughter that was the reason for them being arrested.

"The younger Fletcher was pregnant at the time of her arrest and was delivered of a healthy baby girl. The child was proven to be the child of Mr. Barney and was given custody to Mr. Azra Barney to be raised. 

"In other news tonight..." The news caster goes on with the news but Lydia turns down the sound as her friend Ann comes to sit beside her.

"I know you don't like hurting other people, but honestly, Lydia, those people deserved so much more than they were given."

Lydia gives her friend a rather wan smile. "I know. I put up with their shit for far longer than I should have. I am thankful that I finally took them down and kicked them out. I missed this house. Grandfather and Samuel would make me laugh. Grandma would give me hugs and homemade cookies.

"It is the only happy times I can think of, took place here. Now that my family or so called family are no longer ruining it."

The doorbell goes off and the girls just continue talking.

They interrupt their talking as the two males that are talking to each other come into the room.

"Lydia," the man says smiling and going to her and giving her a kiss.

"Alexis, how lovely of you to make it. I don't think you've met my friend Ann?" Lydia says smiling a true smile and introducing the two.

Immediately the two seem to connect. They start talking and go over to another part of the room to talk.

"Well, I hadn't expected to be so ignored. Alexis said that he was coming out here specifically to see me."

"Are you upset?" The other man asks hesitantly. He is always careful with Lydia. He fucked up with her badly two years ago and doesn't want to waste the chance she gave him.

Lydia sighs, then gives a small smile to Azra, "No, not really. I knew that all we would ever be would be friends. He is so over the top that it makes it fun to be around him, but would be too much as a regular diet. How are you Azra? How's your little sister?"

"I'm fine and Lucinda is fine, growing like a weed. She looks like her mother, thank goodness. Father is still denying that she is his, but I showed both him and mother the DNA test results, there is no denying it. The divorce has been filed and that's going to kill father since mother's money is all that's left of the family fortunes."

"So what about Lucinda?"

Azra gives her a small pained smile. "I'll make sure that she lacks for nothing, you can make sure of that. But, hopefully, she won't turn into a mini version of her mother. 

"I know I hurt you back then and I can never thank you enough for giving me another chance." Azra turns his head as he gets control back. "I know the saying, once a cheater always a cheater. I didn't want to do that to you. But my parents were sure that I would be able to get more money out of your sister than you."

"Your father was always a fool. The business was in my name, I had full control. But it doesn't matter, because I wouldn't have let you touch my business or money had we married. I would have made sure that there was a prenup as well. I would have, as I do now, arrangements made that if anything should happen to me that my children would inherit and failing to have an heir that my money would be divided up and given to various foundations and charities."

"I know and when I tried to tell my parents that they wouldn't listen. I had no idea that my father would get the woman he wanted me to marry with child to try to pass off his bastard as mine. Both our parental figures tried to screw us over.

"I can't believe that you actually allowed me to work in the family business that you took over." Azra says as she has him take a seat.

"I was hesitant. But I knew that with your father's embezzling that you would be unlikely to ever secure a decent paying job. The sins of the father's and all that. I believed you to be an honest businessman even if I couldn't trust you in a personal way again. So far you haven't given me reason to doubt."

"You have my accounts at work audited constantly."

"I have an auditing department in every business and it audits all the executives in all the businesses. I don't like finding financial discrepancies. Then at the end of every year the auditing branch is in turn audited. Every one, including me. So don't take it personally."

Azra gives her a sad look. "I just want you to know, that when I proposed to you, I was honestly trying to figure out a way to get away from your sister. I truly wanted to be with you. You are a far more beautiful woman than she could ever be. Not just on the inside either, but you are physically beautiful. 

"Not having sex with your sister was no problem. Not letting things go too far with you, that was much harder." Azra shakes his head. "I know that you likely don't believe me. You know, I should probably go. I don't want you to think that I'm just trying to use you again."

Azra leans over to give her cheek a kiss as he stands up. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I caused you such pain. I'm sorry my family was fucking with yours and I'm sorry that you had to air it all out in front of me.

"I'll see you at the office on Monday. Goodbye, Lydia." Lydia goes to the door and watches as he gets into his car.

"Aren't you going to stop him?" Ann and Alexis had come to the door as they followed Lydia and Azra.

"It was his decision."

"But you gave him another chance, you wouldn't have done that if you hadn't forgiven him." Ann says in disbelief.

"But he hasn't forgiven himself. He feels too guilty to be able to restart a relationship with me. Until he is able to forgive himself we can never be together. I thinks it's better this way. We both need time and help to deal with the past. Whether he does so, well that's up to him. No one can make another get help.

"But if he doesn't do so soon, I might not be around when he decides to get help. It seems when people found out that I'm a single billionaire I suddenly have single men coming out of the woodwork to date me and help me spend my money."

Ann and Alexis just shake their heads. Alexis had been found by Lydia on the street. She helped him get off the street and into school. Now he is the head of her foundation to help the homeless get housing, schooling and clothes to become a part of the mainstream society once more.

Lydia isn't interested in those that are materialistic, she will always look for those that put their actions to where their money is. 

Lydia spends a great deal of time going around to her various charities and giving hands on support, not just her money. Most of those that she helps have no idea that she has money and a lot of it. 

"One day, Lydia, you'll find someone to love you for who you are." Alexis says and gives her a hug. Ann comes around to her other side and hugs her as well. "They will need to prove themselves first. Don't let them do any thing differently."

Lydia gives them both sad smiles, "Come on, let's go eat. The food should be ready by now."

Lydia leads them into the house and closes the door behind them. She is thankful that the trials are over. It's a time to celebrate now. 

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