²³ Breaking Out - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Holy shit, holy shit," Dustin repeated in panic, looking everywhere for a way out, but could find nowhere.

Steve's heart raced, his eyes going towards his sister, who looks like she was about to go into a panic attack. "This way!"

Steve turned them back around, punching a man that gained upon them, gesturing where they need to run.

Steve held off the men, pushing Imogen, who was cowering at her brother's side now, towards Robin. "Get her safe."

Robin grabbed her hand, running into the room he gestured to, Erica and Dustin behind.

Steve slammed the door when he made it, grunting as he held it shut. The guards beginning to pile outside, trying to open the door.

"Robin!" He called for help, the girl running over to help the boy, putting all their weight on the door.

"Come on!" Erica shouted, finding a way out, going into the vent first.

"Just go!" Steve yelled, he and Robin pushing with all their strength.

"What? No!" Imogen shook her head, a tear falling as she felt her heart beat faster.

"Go!" Robin and Steve shouted.

Dustin grabbed Imogen pushing down into the vent, before falling in too, closing it after.

Imogen looked at the young boy, "We can't leave them!"

Dustin exhaled, hearing the guards break the door down, shouting at Robin and Steve. "We have to find help okay?"

Imogen shook her head, her breath hitching.

Dustin put his hands on the girl's shoulders. "They're gonna be fine. Let's go."


"So when we set fire to the hub, we drew the demo-dogs away, so El could close the gate. But now, for some insane reason, the Russians seem to be trying to reopen it, which just destroys everything we risked our lives for."

The three sat in the vents Dustin explaining everything that happened these last few years to Erica while he tried to stop the fans in front of them, blocking their mission.

"And by we, you're including Lucas?" Erica rose a brow in amusement, trying to ignore Imogen, who wouldn't stop staring into space with a lost look.

"Yes, of course." Dustin scoffed, not understanding why she asked.

"So all that shit you told me, Lucas was there?" Erica laughed at the thought of her brother saving lives.


"My brother? Lucas Charles Sinclair?"

"His middle name is Charles?" Imogen broke out of her daze to scrunch her face in distaste.

"I don't believe you." Erica shook her head at Dustin.

"You believe everything about El, and the gate, and the demo-dogs, and the mind flayer, but you question your brother's involvement?"

Erica nodded to all he said, "That is correct."

"Makes total sense." Dustin sarcastically muttered.

"Um, you need help with that?" Erica asked her eyes on Dustin, who was trying to loosen a screw on the control box.


"Well, I mean, it's taking a while, so...--"

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock."

"All right, so if we don't find a more efficient method to stop these fans, we're never gonna find help, and your ice cream buddies are screwed."

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