Chapter 2:The mistory creature

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It was history class why did teachers want to kill us with boredem of old facts. Like they continue telling us about we should take out future in consideration more, then why you teaching us old stuff when we should think about our future and not the past. Huh? Yeah as you can hear i hate history and school wel except chemistry class where I get so sit next Stililnski, aka Stiles . I know I'm 15 but dang he be looking  fine. I was listening to Miss. Mennord while she was explaining the civil war 2 and stuff, but as usual I was busy drawing on my hand. I drew a big triangle with lines going up from each end and back straight parallel with the triangle. And then it all went blank. I was standing on a old bridge with two male figures standing on each end calling my name. "(y/n)" they both call. On one side was a mussaly male and the other side was a male with brown light hair and a light skin tone. But I feels like I saw them before but I don't know from where. Suddenly they attacked each other and a creature help the mussaly male figures to fight while a bicker gang pulled up and went to the light brown haired male. Then i heard them calling my name "(y/n)!!!!" Suddenly I felt myself being shaking. And it all came back. My vision began to come clear and I saw Lidia Martin aka the popular girl, shaking me awake. I fell asleep in history class. I felt so embarrassed I could die right here right now in old Michael's bubbelgum chair. Luckily then class was already dismissed so only Lidia saw me. She glared at me then walked out of the class. I got my bag and started to walk outside. But I'm still wondering about that weird dream.
*Bell rings *
FINALLY!! School out and it's Friday so yayy. I walked all the way home. But all of the sudden it started to rain. And if I mean rain I mean heavy rain with thunder and lighting. Oohhh scary. Joke. Lol. I'm not scared of thunder.

I started to walk about 5 blocks up hill, my feat really started to hurt like real time here. Don't judge me im not the athletic tipe at all. I was three blocks away from my house but I decided to stop and rest on a rock and my sock and hoodie was soaking wet. My house is in front off woods so I just sat there looking into the woods. Then I saw something shiny. I walked closer and saw the shiny objected get further. The next moment I found myself running after the shiny object as if i am attracted to it. Suddenly it was gone and I find myself in the woods in the middle of nowhere. "(y/n)" something called in a very low creppy voice. I turn around and see blood red eyes looking straight at me. For a moment I thought it was my vision. But the red eyes turned into a creature running right at me. I start to run but my mind is saying to keep running but my body says take a rest. I slowed down and hid behind thm tree. I gasped out of breath. I look behind the tree to see if I lost the the creature. When I turned in front of me there it was standing like 5 inches from my face. I jumped of fright and the creature leaped on me. I could make out that it was a big wolf. But there aren't wolfs in Becon Hills. Strange. Wel there is certainly a wolf thing in on top of me. The wolf sniffed me. I started to panic and start screaming for my dear life. I closed my eyes hoping it wil go away. I heard a howl and the felt a painfull scratch. OH. MY. GOSH.THAT WOLF SCRATCHED ME!! I screamed in pain. The wolf leaped off and ran away. I sat there in the middle of the woods with a painful scratch. Like I'm certain it's like 1 kilometer deep. Like seriously it burned.

Chapter two completed. Tell me what you think. Next chapter coming soon. :)))))

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