Moving Forward

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6 am 

ring,,, ring... ring 

the house phone rang getting up you pick up the phone 

"yoyoyoyo Mr white," Jesse said 

"what the hell Jesse," you said 


"Ummm you want to meet up?" Jesse asked 

"yes, but we're not going to talk about this over the phone 7:30 the mall will talk further," you said hanging up 

you need to cook breakfast for the girls then get ready to leave. you made some dog-looking pancakes then you got into more presentable clothes then left for the mall. you waited there for a while it was now 7:45 

"damn it I didn't tell her which part of the mall we'll meet at," you thought mentally face palming yourself

"found you how come you didn't pick up your phone," Jesse said running up to you 

"umm, I need to get it replaced it got destroyed," you said 

"ok let's go," you said 

you walked to a less crowded part of the mall, sitting down you start talking to each other 

"Jesse, Jackie is causing problems for me can you talk to her," you said 

"I'm aware I try to talk to her but she keeps on saying he needs to pay," Jesse said 

this annoyed you Jackie won't drop this childish revenge 

"Jesse what happen after we split up,"  you asked to need to know how much you hurt her to understand at least. Jesse seemed uncomfortable about this, you could tell she doesn't want to talk about it 

"nevermind well I think I should go it was nice seeing you again Jesse," you said getting up passing her she grabbed you by the sleeve 

"can we spend some time together not as dating, but as friends," Jesse pleaded 

"Sure I have time lead the way," you said 

walking around the mall you and Jesse went to the arcade 

"fufufufu you really suck or are you going easy on me," Jesse teased 

"Want me to try you aren't even going to touch me," you said 

"hehe I was just teasing you please calm down," Jesse said begging you 

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"hehe I was just teasing you please calm down," Jesse said begging you 

5 seconds later 

"fufufufu Jesse what happened you're really quiet," you mocked 

"hmph let's go somewhere else," Jesse pouted 

"Whatever," you said 

"how about here," Jesse pointed at an icecream store 

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