Letting Go

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Tuesday 12 am 

waking up you need to get out of your room. pushing atago off you replace yourself with the pillow and to your patio.  looking through the kitchen you grab a bottle of wine, you haven't drunk alcohol in years you yet kept some in the fridge. downing the bottle. 

"Why am I remembering it now I moved on," you said 

grabbing another bottle you down this time you lose grip of the bottle dropping shattering on the floor 

"Stop crying before I hit you again," dad said as he grabs a plate and throws it at you.  you dodge it and shatters on the wall "stop moving you brat,"dad getting upset getting closer to you, you cower in the corner, but mom throws herself in front of you 

"Damien you stop this right now you get out of this house," mom yelled at dad only making him madder, grabbing mom he throws her away and continues to get closer to you.  

"you going to let mom fight your battles for the rest of your life," dad mocked 

he grabs you by the arm dragging you he throws you at a wall you yelp in pain but dad starts kicking you

"what a weak child I have at least Fin had the balls to leave this house," dad mocked 

he kicked you nonstop, but his foot was caught. a 25 year old you replacing the small seven year old you. 

"you made my life hell and you killed mom so I'll kill you," you roared all the pent up anger for your dad was unleashed. you started choking your dad starts struggling and the life fades from his eyes 

" I love you," dad said 

"what," shocked by what dad said  you were hit in the head by the hilt of a sword

you were stunned your vision was blurry and you can barely hear

  "nee-san are you ok," ????

"cough cough I'm fine what happens to shikikan is he ok," ???

"he almost killed you worry about yourself first," ????

" he didn't kill me, but he seemed angry," ????

foot steps were heard coming close to you and it stopped the final things you heard were 

"won't forget this," ????

blacked out 

getting up it was late in the afternoon and atago and takao weren't in the room

"ooohhh my head," you complained getting up taking a shower, and then getting to the living room atago was sitting on the couch smiling when she saw you, takao looked at you but she looked mad to see you

"did you have a nice rest," atago asked she was wearing jeans and a sweater 

"atago its 85 degrees why are you where those clothes," you asked 

"Ohh I thought it looked cute onee-san," atago chimed 

you sat right next to you she flinched you noted it by didn't bring it up feeling like you weren't wanted you went to the kitchen where takao was.

 "do you remember anything from last night," takao asked but she was whispering it to you 

"n..no what happen," you were confused 

" let me help you remember you got drunk and almost killed atago do you remember now," takao said coldly 

everything rushed back you were wide eye and stood there 

"seem to remember now you do we really make your life hell," takao asked with venom 

"no, I wasn't  talking about you it was....," you paused 

"then who is so angry about," takao asked 

"I....I...I...." you  kept repeating you started 

"who," takao asked getting annoyed 

"I...i.." you kept repeating 

" who damn it," takao yelled at you 

"my dad damn it there you're happy now," you yelled at takao 

after your outburst you left the room you went to your room locking the door you just laid there staring at the ceiling. tears fall out of your eye 

"I became the man I hated, getting drunk and hurting people," you said 

"Why did you have to die why couldn't I save you," 

"Why couldn't I find the courage to take you with me when I left the house," 

" Why couldn't I kill him when  got older," 

the knob of the door was shaking violently till the door was forced open 

woman with a sweater hugged you, you hugged her and it felt real, you lost it you just hugged her for dear life

"mom," you asked 

"fufufu silly boy it's me onee-san," atago replied 

"atago I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you," you cried 

"fufufu silly shikikan it's going to take a lot more you to make onee-san made at you," atago said 

" shikikan your hurting i know it," atago said 

"cry out all your dispair into onee-sans bosom," atago cooed as she hugged you it you haven't been this weak or vulnerable in years only time you felt like this was when mom was alive you started to tear up letting go of all the pain you felt over the years

"shikikan your not alone anymore I'll never understand the feeling of losing someone but as your wife, I'll be there to pick you up when you are down cause I love you shikikan," atago said she to started to cry 

feeling another pair of ars hug you 

"shikikan I'm still mad at you but I want to understand why your angry," takao said 

"I alone for so long which is the worst pain to feel, but I was blessed to meet these two" 

"I cant dwindle on the past anymore I'll learn to let go of my anger and make amends with the people I hurt, go after what made me happy and finally make these the happiest girls in the world

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