Goodbye A Regular Life

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Hawaii is an island located in the middle of the pacific ocean and the dream place to go on a vacation. To Tourist this a paradise where the sun up, you can see turtles and monk seal, and the amazing beach of Waikiki. 

However, for our main character y/n who working at the Hilton Hawaiian village where he would at work as the manager, he has to deal with entitled people and lazy employees. the only time where you can relax is during your break and at home where you found Azurlane a way to escape reality just for a little while. 

upon finishing work today being a decent day with no problems arising and no need to be persuasive for employees to work. driving back home to your house you lived in as a child. the house was a medium sized house bedroom one yours, the rest where your brother and parents room. you got the house when your parents passed and your brother lived on the mainland so he told you to have it. 

changing into casual clothes you hear the rain pouring on the roof

" looks like tonight to have saimin( Hawaiian noodle soup dish)," y/n thinking to himself. 

taking out a Sapporo noodle pack boiling it in the pot. waiting for the noodles to boil slicing up kamaboko( fishcakes), green onion, and finally some cooked pork. after 10 minutes of boiling the noodles were ready. adding the boiled  water into the bowl, then emptying the soup packet, and the rest of the ingredients you making a saimin dish 

 adding the boiled  water into the bowl, then emptying the soup packet, and the rest of the ingredients you making a saimin dish 

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waiting for the food to cool down you pull out your phone wait. opening azurlane greeted by your current secretary Atago.  she was my first SR ship and the first to oathed I mean who doesn't love an Onee-san that wants to hug and pamper you 

"Wish I could find someone like her who loves me, "thinking"*sigh* but that's an unreal expectation of love," saddened by that thought

after doing some combat data collecting, researching in the lab, and finally feeding the ship girls in the dorm the saimin was at a warm temperature for eating turning off your phone its time to eat 

after finishing your meal and clean up, going outside to your lanai(patio) to soda from the outside fridge grabbing your favorite soda, and sitting on a plastic lawn chair. 

the moon was large today with no clouds no stars were visible due to the city lights in the distance. with the moon keep you company but what catches your eye is a shooting star 

"I wish for atago and Takao to actually exist in my world"  internally thinking 

the star zooms past to never be seen again taking a sip of your soda

"hmm, wishful thinking" softy saying to himself. finishing up your soda you crush it under your foot then throw it away in a bin. 

heading back inside to his room laying on your bed staring at the ceil taking your phone out of your pocket to charge it,  opening Spotify to play the music that puts you to sleep 

heading back inside to his room laying on your bed staring at the ceil taking your phone out of your pocket to charge it,  opening Spotify to play the music that puts you to sleep 

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waking up with the sun beaming at you having to squint your eyes and shielding your eyes from the sun with your hand. going to stop your music but something that is weighing you down is a lump in the blankets. moving the blanket a pair of dog ears poke out 

"since when did wishes actually come true" panicking know who is on top of you 

moving the blanket more to see atago cuddling you. pitching your arm to see if your dreaming, you're not 

"so this is real life this is no fantasy" singing to yourself "atago wake up please" 

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"so this is real life this is no fantasy" singing to yourself "atago wake up please" 

her dog ears twitch, but she isn't waking up. so you try poking them now she stirring in her sleep but not waking up. 

"Lord forgive me for what I'm about to do" asking for forgiveness 

taking a deep breath till your chest puffs up then blowing a steady stream of air into her dog ear that woke her up 

"kyaaaa" atago screamed as was now fully awake "shikikan that was mean how could you do that to your onee-san" 

lightly hitting your chest with her fist  

"god this is cute" mentally taking a picture of this moment stored up in my mind. that was until a moment of realization hit you like a truck "wait I wished Takao where is she?" 

hearing footsteps down the hallway and your door being sliced open revealing a very angry doggo samurai 

hearing footsteps down the hallway and your door being sliced open revealing a very angry doggo samurai 

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"what are doing to my nee-san" in a demanding tone "ehhh" confused at the scene she seeing 

"shikikan how can big meanie" atago cried out still hitting you with her fist and comical tears coming out 

"nee-san leave him alone" Takao sighed while sheathing her katana 

"Not until he apologizes for what he did," atago said while pouting 

"I'm sorry for being a meanie to you nee-san I won't do it again" apologizing 

"aww I can't stay mad at you come into onee-san's  embrace," atago said will giving you her signature hug "you too Takao-chan" yanking Takao into the hug too

"goodbye my regular life" 

The End 

so what do you guys think is it good and let me know what you think in the comments 

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