Chapter 2

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 Emeralds Pov

I've been running for at least a week now slyly dodging territories hunting to survive I now spend more time in wolf form than human. 

While running around I was just realising all anger towards Luke and Jason yes Jason I no should be crying eating ice-cream no he bullied me and called me foul things so if he thinks im going to cry for weeks he has another thing coming. 

I was so lost in thought that I never realised that I wandered into another packs lands until I heard twigs snapping under someone or something’s feet and it was not mine. Next I heard a thundering growl from  the trees and then four wolfs step out from the trees one in the middle was large I suspect the alpha of the pack he was radiating power but it did not affect me being a white wolf I stood roughly around his height.

He was a black wolf with white dotting around on his body then on his left was a beta a red wolf with a patch on the right ear to the right of the alpha was another Blonde wolf who was most likely just a fighter and then standing beside the beta was a chocolate colour wolf all staring right at me with angered and socked looks in their eyes shocked look from me being a white wolf and anger from trespassing.

"SHIFT ROUGE" the alpha said in nothing but a pair of shorts oh and we do not rip our cloths when we shift that is a load of bullshit.

"I said SHIFT" he was getting restless so I bowed my head in submission to show respect but I also shifted I had lost some weight with all the running around and lack of food but I was still a bit chubby around the edges I bowed my head again and spoke.

"I did not mean to trespass i was lost in thought and wandered in" with my head still down he slowly walked up to me he was tall around 6.1 and black shaggy hair with bright brown eyes and a bulky body he still looked young around 22-23

"I should kill you for entering the land or the midnight pack" oh shit the midnight pack was the most feared and largest pack in well the world and I just wandered in oh shit oh shit oh shit.

"But I want to take you to the pack house we will question you and then decide what to do with you" he studied my profile for a minute "boys! shift" all of the remaining wolfs shifted the beta was only around 18 with blonde hair and tanned skin and a nice looking six pack and green eyes, the chocolate wolf was older than the alpha around 35 but still had the build of the alpha his hair a red in colour and the last wolf was most likely the youngest of them all the blonde one he was only around 17 and well-built his six pack was built well and his toned arms were a stand out his hair was brown and his eyes were a silver grey.

"this is my beta Dustain, the blonde wolf is Jake and the choc wolf is James and I am Alpha Dyer Jake, James guard her back to the house into my office I need to speck with her" I presumed it was about my white wolf but I don’t care I was still going to try and get into this pack it could keep me safe hopefully better than my last pack.

The Alphas office was guarded by heavy wooden doors when they opened inside was a large desk full of papers neatly stacked and a couch to the left and bookshelf’s surrounded the whole place I sat down in one of the chairs behind the desk while waiting for the alpha to enter.

When he did he had put on some jeans and a t-shirt he sat down and entwined his fingers together in front of him.

"What is your name pup" I almost let a growl escape my lips with being called pup 

"It’s Emerald and I prefer not to be called a pup" I said in a respecting voice

"Okay Emerald you told us why you are here but where is your pack" this is the thing I wanted to avoid but I had to tell him if I wanted in

"I left my old pack" I said in a shaky voice his face softened at my tone

"I was bullied and used as a slave and cook for many years my parents died when I was only young I was blamed because my mother died during childbirth and my father from rouges" I let a tear slip down my cheek

"It was our future alphas 16th birthday and he turned out to be my mate but h-he rejected me it was enough to make me snap so I left" he had his head down piercing together what I just said 

"Were they aware that you were a white wolf?" 

"No they never let me train with them and I was by myself during my first change" stupid dicks 

"I would like to talk you in as a member of the midnight pack do you accept my offer" to say that I was shocked was true 

"I accept your invitation to be an official pack member of the midnight pack" I smiled as did he extended his had as a welcome and I took it 

"I will need training I have never been trained so I do not know how to fight" he smiled

"you will be trained by the best I no you will be strong you already are" I smiled grateful but I knew the whole time that the other three who were in the woods were behind the door the whole time my hearing stronger than the alphas I thought I should speck up

"James, Dustain, Jake I want to let you no I am a member of the pack not that you did not hear me" Alpha Dyer looked at me confused then the door swung open reviling three very guilty looking men I could tell there are a few big kids 

"How’d you know?" Dustain said 

"I am a white wolf u should know my strength speed and senses are 10x stronger than your alphas" I said with a smirk playing on my lips 

"Wow that’s cool WAIT that means you could beat Alpha Dyer in a fight for Alpha" I nodded

"But I do not want to be an alpha I am fine just being in the pack" Alpha Dyer smiled as did Dustin, James and Jake.

"SISTER YAYYYYY" Dustin came running up to me with open arms and put me in a bone crushing hug I laughed 

"Uhmm not many femmies in your pack?" Alpha Dyer smiled

"Yea all of them are born into the pack Dustin here has always wanted an adopted sister and since we took you in he considers you adopted" I smiled Dustin was definitely a big kid but Jake was standing by with the same grin on his face confused I looked at him

"Younger sister that means I can boss you around oh yayyy" Jake said with a cheek grin and came up to me giving me a hug as well 

"oh yea Dustin there is my brother he’s 18 im 17 James the old man over there is 33 and Alpha is 23 just so you no" I smiled Jake and Dustain had their arms slung over both of my shoulder brothers who loved me wow this was new.

I think im gunna like it here a lot I smiled at that this seems nothing like the dicks from the sabertooth pack.

Hearts past scars (Currently Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant