And So It Begins Ch. 3

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3rd Person POV

IQ looked up at William, still shocked by his height, but she brushed it off and put on a smile.

IQ: "Hey William."

Krieg: "What?"

IQ: "Can I come in?"

Krieg: "Why?"

IQ: "To get to know you, of course."

William looked at IQ, IQ looking into Williams's lens of his mask. William opened the door fully and sat down on the couch and continued to eat. IQ walked in and closed the door behind her. She looked around the room, seeing the lights off and the only light in the room was the moonlight coming from the window.

I felt depressed just being in the room. The severe lack of life, and how cold the room is. I looked at William on his couch, just sitting there eating his nutrition bar and drinking from his canteen. I turned the light on and sat next to William, IQ looked at William's face, and he moved his mask up to eat.

IQ: "Sorry, but why do you have your mask on? You could take it off."

Krieg: "I would but it wouldn't feel natural if I did."

IQ was about to ask why but a knock was heard on his door. William placed his food down and stood got up and walked to the door. He drank some water and then opened the door to see Blitz, Yäger, and bandit.

Bandit: "William, right?"

Krieg: "Correct."

Blitz entered the room to see IQ on Williams's couch.

Blitz: "There you are!"

Yäger: "I told you she was in here."

Blitz: "Dammit Monika, you should be resting."

IQ: "I'm fine Elias! You don't have to worry about me."

While those two were talking Wiliam and Bandit were just talking.

Krieg: "So, are they usually like this?"

Bandit: "Mostly Monika and Elias, me and Marius don't care. I'm Dominic by the way."

Krieg: "Nice to meet you. I still don't know everybody's name, so I take it as the one that was piloting the bird was Elias?"

Bandit: "No. Elias is the one shouting at Monika, and Marius is crossing his arms. And speaking of the devil here he comes."

Yäger walked up to the two with his arms crossed and sighed.

Yäger: "It's too late for all of this shouting."

Krieg: "Agreed. I'm going to break this up."

William walked up to the two shouting at each other and coughed to get their attention. They keep shouting so William coughed louder, and again they didn't listen they keep shouting. It was late, William is still recovering from his injures and just wants sleep.

Krieg: "Hey."

Blitz: "You've been captured and interrogated. You need rest!"

IQ: "Stop treating me like a baby, I'm fine!"

Krieg: "Hey!"

Blitz: "I'm not treating you like a baby. I'm just trying to help out my teammate."

Krieg: "HEY!"

They both shut up and looked at William. Both of them were a bit shocked by William's outburst, they quickly realized the situation.

Krieg: "You two can have this fight somewhere else, not in here. I'm tired and would like some sleep. So do me a favor and get out."

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