Meeting Abner aka Polka-Dot Man

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Just another day at this boring office. I groaned and laid my head on my desk. I closed my eyes and I felt myself slowly drifting off. I'm not sure how long I was out for but I woke up to the sounds of screaming. I quickly got up and started looking around and that's when I saw it. This giant fucking starfish was stomping around outside. My eyes widen with fear and I started screaming. I took off down the hallway. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT I screamed as I tried to open the emergency exit door. HOW IS EMERGENCY DOOR NOT WORKING. THE. FUCKING. EMERGENCY. DOOR. I turned and ran towards the main door but it busted open and this man ran in with 3 other people. I backed up quickly and one of the 4 people stepped forward "We're here to help. Harley get her to safely." The girl I assumed was Harley looked over "Uhh Bloodsport I don't think we really have time to get her out right now that thing is starting to throw its weird little baby things at people." The man sighed "okay Abner try to keep her alive until we can get her out of her" a man wearing a Polka-Dot suit walks over and starts leading me behind a cubical. "I'm uh Abner Krill" I stared at him for a few minutes examining his face before speaking up. "Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you Abner. Uh..thanks for trying to keep me alive." I let out a nervous laugh as I said that last part. He's looking over at the others as he talks to me "Oh its not problem really." After what felt like hours everything eventually ended and I was finally outside safe. I walked over to Abner "Thank you for keeping me safe." I kissed his cheek and walked away.

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