A Polite Knock

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For many, it was an average day. Abbot was painting the wall again, Pastor Clements was preaching from the chapel doorstep, vendors were shouting out from their shops, and Takahashi was delivering their classic line, "Nan-ni shimasko-ka?"

Meanwhile at the local newspaper printer Nat was searching for her sister Piper, who had gone outside to talk to some traveling traders about their travels. Unfortunately Danny Sullivan had locked her out under orders from the Mayer. And Piper was unsurprisingly upset by this.

"What do you mean you can't open the gate? Stop playing around Danny! I'm standing in the open out here for crying out loud!" She hissed the last few words out from between gritted teeth.

"I got orders not to let you in, Ms. Piper. I'm sorry, I'm just doing my job." The tone of his voice did sound as though he was sorry, yet he was bound to keep the gate shut.

"Just doing your job? Protecting Diamond City means keeping me out, is that it? 'Oh look, it's the scary reporter!' Boo!"

"I'm sorry, but Mayer Mcdonough is really steamed piper. Sayin' that article you wrote was all lies. The whole City's in a tizzy."

Piper grew more frustrated upon learning the reason for her being bared from entry. Why would the Mayer do this if there wasn't at least some truth in her article? If it was all lies like he said then he should just brush it off.

"Aggh!......You open this gate right now Danny Sullivan! I live here! You can't just lock me out!"
Piper was loosing her composure more and more, but luckily for her she was about to meet a certain man clad in metal and welding flame.


The dull metallic clank of armor was heard echoing through alleyways and down the streams as the giant of a man named Edgar tried his best to find his destination. Despite his best efforts he had become lost, or at the very least he ha dlost his way. To make matters worse he was distracted by his emotions.

Edgar was apprehensive, which surprised him because he hadn't felt that way in ages. And worse was that he didn't know why. Perhaps it was because he was going somewhere that was new?

No, he stop being nervous of new locations after he made his way through the catacombs.

Maybe it was that he apperently looked like a raider to most people? After all, these people apperently associated large figures made of metal to dangerous raiders.

Still no, as he was prepared to 'hold his hands up' as Wallace had told him to do. A strange ritual to ask for mercy, but one that Edgar suspected he would get used to seeing.

Or, just maybe, it was the fact that this was Edgar's first time since becoming an undead that he was going somewhere without madmen, hollows, dragons, demons, or people that wanted him dead.

Strange what Lothric does to a man.

Turning the corner around another building Edgar caught sight of a man wearing padding and a metal cage like helmet. Painted onto the chest of his armor was a white diamond, signifying that this was a guard of Diamond City.

"Finally, I grew tired of wandering hours ago. Hail, brave sir! Is this the way to Diamond City?" Edgar called to the man, causing him to turn to look at whoever was shouting at him. As soon as his eyes landed on the large figure approaching him he raised his gun and called for backup.

"We got a Raider in Power Armor! I need help!"

The first gunshot shattered the relative silence that was floating through the air. The projectile made contact and ricochet off of the finely crafted metal, as did the second and third round to make contact. Edgar, realizing that he had already been mistaken for a threat quickly raised both hands above his head.

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