A Bloody, Burning, Bar Brawl

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Cait and Tommy were in the middle of baracading the door when the screaming started.

At first, screams of spectators watching the fights. Many had bet against the newcomer at first, but soon they all began to chear for him.

Soon the screams of the fighters, blood curdling screams of someone who was hurt far more than they were used to, which is saying something since these were raiders.

Then the screams stopped momentarily, as if everyone in the other room was either in awe or in shock.

And after that brief moment of quiet all hell broke loose.


Edgar almost felt bad for them, they had only wanted to watch a show of two people having a fight. He himself had done so many times in Lordran, and he had even participated occasionally. But then he remembered that these weren't undead who had some semblance of honor, these were raiders.

Some called them Murders, thieves, criminals, monsters, and many other things would be used to describe them. But to Edgar, they were little more than cattle ready for slaughter.

With the weapons all being hidden or left in another room most of the raiders were left defensles. Couple that with their lowered guard and you have a group of weakling ready for death.

Snapping out of his thoughts Edgar remembered his plan, draw out and subdue the strongest fighters and then burn the rest. So as he was finishing pummeling the last challenger, he decided it was time to act.

"Well, I've enjoyed myself enough. Time for business"

Everyone in the room went silent as the giant man dropped the limp body in his grasp and made his way to the front of the stage.

"The fuck does that mean?" someone in the crowd yelled, worried that the show was over.

Oh how wrong he was...

Everyone went silent as the man started muttering words under his breath, just loud enough that they could be heard but too quiet to understand. Suddenly his hands burst into flames and he slammed both his hands against his chest.

Slowly, starting at his heart and spreading in all directions, the man's flesh turned from skin to metal. Then, once more, he held his arms outstretched and opened his palms upwards. Flames began to blossom from his bruised and bloody fingers and soon he seemed to be holding a raging inferno in his fists.

Everyone seemed to act in unison, diving for the floor in hopes of avoiding the explosion that was coming. Unfortunately for the Raiders, this wasn't going to be an explosion. "This never gets old." The words crept from his lips, sneaking out from between his teeth as a manic grin grew on his face. Edgar clasped his hands together and slammed them to the floor, a thunderous blast of noise coming from the impact. Then fire began to burst from the ground, almost completely at random.

"Come! You can all either die fighting or die on the floor like a pathetic dog! Either way, I'm not stopping 'till every last one of you Mound-making Raiders is burnt to CINDERS!"


It had been only ten minutes.

Ten minutes ago Cait and Tommy had barred the door in hopes of staying safe when whatever was going to happen went down. And in those ten minutes they had both been forced to sit and listen to the horrific sounds of people screaming, burning, and dying one by one as the psycho outside went wild.
The room had slowly filled with the sickly smell of burnt human flesh, their screams long since silenced, and a faint crackling could be heard through the door now.

"Hey, Tommy, I think it's over..."

"Yeah, I think you're right. But let's give him a few minutes to leave before we head out there, alri-"

Knock  knock  knock

Cait and Tommy both fell silent and stared at the door.

Knock  knock  knock

They both began to back away from the door, hoping, maybe even praying, that the man would leave them in peace.


The door flew from its hinges, taking the several chairs and the table that had been holding it shut with it. Soon taking its place was a massive man dressed in full plate armor, a sword hanging off his back, and a fiery glow about his body, almost as if his veins themselves were filled with fire.

The man quickly looked around, stopping when he noticed Cait holding a double barrel shotgun up to his head.
"Listen here you crazy fuck, I don't know who you are or what you want, but you have three seconds to leave before I put a hole in your head!"

The man simply stared down the barrels of the gun, seemingly frozen in time, until three words left his helm.
"It wouldn't last."

He then backed up and left the room, taking a seat by a bonfire that was now in the center of the spectator area.

"I'm taking the surviving prisoners with me, I hope that isn't a problem?"
Edgar called pit from his illuminated seat, fishing several bones out from within the flames.

"Well, you already killed off my clients, so I'm basically out of business now. Thanks for that, by the way."

Edgar was silent as he counted out how many Homeward Bones had been made by the bonfire. In the end there were 6 that were usable, which was enough to get them all back to Sanctuary.

"I am going to be leaving now. I'm taking your prisoners with me, to a place Sanctuary to the north west. If you go there, be warned that I will not tolerate trouble, and I don't go easy on punishment."

Edgar then stepes into a side room where the remaining prisoners were kept, and soon the sound of 6 bones could be heard snapping, followed by the rushing of wind as ash soon settled to the floor.

Duty Fulfilled

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