1.5 Black Heretic

Start from the beginning

David turned around before nodding and closing the doors. 

Genya looked down before looking at me  "what?"

I smirked "You never compliment anyone to their face. You like him."

Genya pointed a finger at me "Not a word."

I teased her " ""Ingenious.""

She slapped my arm. 

In Aleksander's room. 

I walked into his room and saw him looking into the mirror. 

Aleksander "Ivan! My kefta!"

I grabbed his keft and walked to him. 

He froze when he saw me "You're not Ivan."

I smirked "Actually, i am way prettier than Ivan."

Aleksander eyed me "Do I sense a little disdain for my Heartrender? You know, once you get to know him, he's actually quite funny."

Me "I bet you find volcra hilarious."

I gestured to the kefta "May I?"

Aleksander nodded before turning around "Thank you."

I helped him putting his kefta on. 

Aleksander "I hear you were able to focus and split light without the gloves."

Me "I appreciate the gesture, though."

Aleksander turned to me and took a step to me "Well, they were only a safeguard, really. In case of nerves. I imagine there are few gatherings in Keramzin that involve such... spectacle. "

Me "None, in fact. "

I wanted to kiss him, i really did so i turned around and walked into his other room "But I'm actually not that nervous. I may have considered throwing myself down the stairs to get out of it once or twice."

Aleksander "Wouldn't work. I have Healers."

I giggled"I was nervous at first. But talking to Genya, I've realized what this demonstration represents. This place....i've never really felt like i belonged here but now..."

He nodded and leaned against the table. 

Me "now i .... i know that i belong here . And i know we can offer Grisha and Ravkans hope for the future."

Aleksander "That means a lot to me, Lia."

I turned to him. 

Aleksander "You mean a lot... to everyone."

I looked at him before kissing him. 

Then i broke the kiss and saw him opening his eyes. 

He stood up and now i had to look up. 

oh boy. 

He looked down at me before starting to smile which made me smile too. 

Aleksander "Not many people surprise me, Lia."

He smiled and went in to kiss me again but there was a knock on the door. 

I moved away and Aleksander cleared his throat.

Attendant " Excuse me, General."

His Light - General Kirigan (Shadow and Bone)Where stories live. Discover now