1.4 "I'm Here"

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A few weeks later. At my room. morning. 

There was a knock on my door. 

Me "come in"

Genya walked in with a bunch of clothes, she put them on my bed "morning, sunshine"

I eyed the clothes "I'm going horse riding?"

Genya nodded "With General Kirigan."

I sighed " I need to train, not be trotted around town.The sooner I do what I need to do, the sooner I can get back to-"

Genya sat down next to me " Your life? This is your life."

I nodded "Yeah, my life. Where Zoya is out to get me "

Genya "She's off the palace grounds."

I looked at her surprise. 

Genya asked surprised "Didn't you hear? He sent her away to reassess her priorities. Come on, you don't want to keep him waiting."

I asked confused " Why? Is he angry?"

She showed me my kefta "This might do the trick."

I shook my head " Black is his color. Not mine."


I walked over to Kirigan who was standing by the horses. 

Kirigan "Morning"

Me "Morning."

Then i walked over to my horse and petted it "You're not wearing your kefta."

Kirigan asked confused  "Did you not like the color I chose for you?"

Me "Black is your color. not mine"

Kirigan "Tell me, are you so anxious to be like everyone else?"

I got on the horse "It would be nice to know what that feels like, someday, General."

Kirigan got on his horse "Well, that day is not today.Please, call me Aleksander."

I looked at him and he looked at me. 

At a well. 

Aleksander kissed a coin before throwing it into the well 

I looked at the water. 

Aleksander "What do you see?"

I sighed "Someone's version of me."

Aleksander "Or perhaps the real you has finally emerged."

I looked at him and saw him staring at me. 

Aleksander "How are you adjusting to life in the Little Palace?"

I nodded "Training is good. "

He nodded " Is your room satisfactory?"

I nodded "Well, I've never had warming stones put in my bed before. I'm glad to have Genya. I'm just not sure I understand where this road leads."

Aleksander "I do know how you feel, Miss Starkov . When I was a boy, I used to run away and hide here. Once I realized that I was a descendant of the most hated Grisha in Ravka, I'd come here, throw a coin. Make a wish in the fountain. Same wish, over and over again.That I could be anyone else."

I looked at the figures carved into the well "This is his story, isn't it?"

Aleksander "You know it just from these old pictures?"

I nodded " Of course. Every child learns the history, not just Grisha. Hundreds of years ago, Anastas, the King, hired a Grisha as his military adviser. A Shadow Summoner."

Aleksander "You can say it. The Black Heretic."

Me "The Heretic grew hungry for more power, and the King, fearing a coup, put a bounty on his head, and any Grisha that stood by him. The Heretic knew he was outnumbered, so he attempted to create an army of his own using the same forbidden science Morozova once used to create his amplifiers. But he failed. He created the Fold instead. And was killed by it. Along with countless others. "

I turned to him "Was I properly schooled?"

Aleksander "I have devoted my life to undoing the great sin of my forebearer, but I am never seen as the solution. Only as a reminder of the problem. And they always need someone to blame."

Me "That's why you look at me like that, isn't it? I'm your solution. Only, if I fail... they'll turn on me. And I'll be the brand-new Heretic."

I turned to the well sighing.

Aleksander "If you believe anything... believe I will not let that happen."

i dove my hand into the water "I appreciate the sentiment, but... I shall be right by your side."

Aleksander dove his hand in the water too  "You and I are going to change the world, Aurelia."

I looked at him. 

Aleksander "I should get you back. Baghra does hate tardiness."

Night. In the palace. In Aleksander's office. 

Beghra had been a little too harsh on me to be honest. 

I saw the door to Aleksander's office open and looked inside.

Aleksander turned to me " Aurelia."

Me "Am I... disturbing you?"

He shook his head "Not at all.Can't sleep?"

I shook my head .

Aleksander "Come in."

I looked at the map "Is this map current?"

Aleksander looked at the map  "It is. Our enemies are threatened by your mere existence. But Ravka can only stand up to them if we present a united front. And there is talk of uprising in the West, led by our... esteemed First Army General. Our own people, turning their backs on us."

The room was starting to turn dark. 

I said softly "Aleksander"

Aleksander "I have been fighting this war... alone for so long. I have buried so many good soldiers. Friends. The coffers are running dry, the noose tightens... and our own people are turning against Grisha, just as their kin once did."

I put my hand on his hand and the light surrounded us as a bubble for a second. 

He looked at me, amazed. 

I let go of him and shook my head "I'm here. you are not alone."

He looked at me in tears before putting a hand on my cheek "I have been waiting a long time for you."

He looked me in the eyes. 

I froze "I should go."

Then i walked out of the door and closed it. 

His Light - General Kirigan (Shadow and Bone)Where stories live. Discover now