1.3 Baghra

439 12 1

Next day. morning. At my room. 

I sighed and sat up. There was still dried up blood on my since i didn't take a bath last night. And to my defense, i wanted nothing more than to sleep last night. 

My door opened and a red headed girl walked in with some other people.

She walked over to me and gasped "Saints! Have you ever bathed? And what happened to your face? This is going to take more work than I expected."

Then she snapped her fingers "Fetch my kit."

Suddenly i was pulled into the bathroom and they took my clothes off and guided me into the bath tub while the red girl sat down on a chair and watched me. 

The two maids started to rub me with a sponge, ranting about how i was reeking of horse. 

I pulled away "okay okay okay. I am perfectly capable of washing myself. And yes, I smell like horse. I was on one for 200 miles. After nearly being killed. Twice. And I understand Old Ravkan, and that was really quite rude. "

The red head "In an hour, you'll be presented to King Pyotr, and General Kirigan has asked that I make you look presentable."

I froze "I am to meet the King?"

The red head "In an hour."

I sponged myself before standing up. 

Me "You know, this is all a bit much. I really don't need any of this."

Then i put on a robe and gasped surprised "Oh, Saints! Is this velvet?"

A maid whispered "I'd start by making her less Shu, Miss Safin."

I raised an eyebrow at her. I barely even look like a Shu which is why people never believe that Alina and i are siblings.

The red head clapped her hands "Everybody out. "

Everyone left the room. 

Me "Thank you."

The red head "Happy to get rid of the miserable shrews. I don't pick my staff. The Queen assigns them. Mostly so she can spy on me."

 Me "i barely even look like a Shu"

She put her hands on my face and looked me in the eyes "I don't care that you're part Shu. I care that you look terrible. Some of this is surface, but some of it runs deeper."

I eyed her as she healed my cheek "You're a Healer."

She gave me an amused look "I'm a Tailor. I can fix, but I can also modify."

I shook my head, shocked "I've never met a Tailor before."

She eyed me "I'm almost as rare as you, though I'd hardly say saving the Queen from sagging tits makes me as important as you. Important to the Queen, of course, and she does not like to see cracks in her porcelain."

I chuckled.

She nodded "But for right now, sit."

I sat down in front of the mirror.

She stared to play with my hair and turned it black. 

Me "How old were you when you knew?"

She started to pick out earrings "Testers found me when I was 11. That's when General Kirigan gifted me to the Queen. But I've been working on myself since I was three."

I asked surprised "Since you were three?"

She nodded. 

My eyes widened "Saints! I can't go in front of the King. I need more time. I've only been a Grisha for a day. "

His Light - General Kirigan (Shadow and Bone)Where stories live. Discover now