1.2 General Kirigan

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Two weeks later. At the First Army Camp. 

I was brought into the General's tent. Apparently the only ones who made it out alive of The Fold were Mal, Alina and myself. 

The General had his back turned to me  "Bring her closer."

I got pushed closer to him. 

Kirigan turned to me "Closer."

I made a step to him. 

Kirigan  "Well?"

I asked confused  "Well, what? Sir."

Kirigan eyed me  "What are you?"

Me "Aurelia Starkov, Assistant Cartographer, Royal Corps of Surveyors. "

Then i looked down "They're all gone. It's my fault. That's why I'm here, isn't it?"

Kirigan gestured for me to shut up "Answer the question. "

He leaned back against the table "What are you?"

Me "A mapmaker, sir."

The people in the room started to laugh. 

I raised an eyebrow.

The General kept looking at me "Quiet."

Everyone stopped laughing and looked down. 

Then he looked around "So who actually saw what happened? Zoya? You manned the main sail. "

Zoya "We were attacked barely two markers in. Someone lit a lantern."

Kirigan "And?"

Zoya "The volcra went after the riflemen and our Inferni first. And then there was a searing light."

A man pointed at me "It was her."

The General eyed me from head to toe.

I felt exposed under his gaze. 

Kirigan  "Our mapmaker. Is this true? Can you summon light? Where did you grow up?"

Me "Keramzin."

He nodded "Hmm. And when were you tested?"

I looked down. 

General "You don't remember? Well, let us just make certain."

He walked over to me and moved his ring from his little finger to his thumb "Lift up your sleeve."

I gulped and shook my head "What's happening?"

The room started to turn dark. 

General "Your sleeve. Please."

I held my arm out and he shoved my sleeve up. Then he cut my arm with his ring. A beam of light erupted from my arm and went through the ceiling of the tent. 

My eyes widened.

The General just looked at me. there was something in his eyes i couldn't read. The light stopped. 

He didn't let go of my arm though and just kept looking at me. 


The soldier looked at me "You heard me. Let's go. Get in."

I shook my head "no. I will not get into that carriage There's been a mistake. I need to find my sister. "

Soldier "The general does not make mistakes. His orders were to get you to Little Palace immediately. Now get in the coach."

Me "Everyone makes mistakes. Look at me. Do I look important to you?"

He shook his head "You look like trouble. Which is nearly the same. Move."

His Light - General Kirigan (Shadow and Bone)Where stories live. Discover now