Mr. Choi

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Y/ns pov
It's been such a bland day. I did vocal practice and then watched the guys do dance practice. That's it. Well I was watching them do dance practice but now I'm being called into a meeting room. I've only ever been called into a meeting room with the other members so being called in by myself is a bit worrying..

I knock on the door and when it opens there reveals jyp. He is smiling and wearing a God awful outfit. He tells me to sit down and there is also another older looking male. I sit next to jyp and across from the male who I have yet to be introduced to.

"Y/n this is Mr. Choi, he contacted me earlier today to get into contact with you for business. I'm not sure how you take care of the buisnesses you have inherited but he is well known and he said it was important so here he is" jyp explains nodding his head towards Mr.Choi.

Why would this man come to the ceo of the company I'm under? All buisness things goes through advisors and most of the time I leave the decision up to them. In fact very few people know I even own companys so how did this man figure it out.

I bow at the man and he does the same. "I'll leave this up to you. Your lawyer is here today so if you need him just call him" jyp says looking directly at me. I nod and he stands up and leaves. Mr Choi is smiling at Me and I'm a bit uncomfortable.

"It took me so long to be able to actually get in contact with you. I have a lot to discuss with you!" he says adjusting his suit jacket.

He is weird. I guess not a bad weird but he is making me feel weird. I know for a fact this isn't about business. "Sir, no disrespect but why are you really here? If you were here for buisness I would have been informed by at least one of the staff members from the company. So in the nicest way possible why are you here?" Mr. Choi looks a bit baffled because he sits there silent for a few moments before clearing his throat.

His face still keeps the surprised look when he starts to talk "your very direct huh?" he starts to speak keeping a nervous smile
"My name is Mark Choi.. I- uhm. I'm married to rose Choi. Rose is-" my biological mother. That's who he is talking about.

I cut him off quickly "I don't know what you or that woman want from me but I can't be of help. Please do not contact me again"  I state standing up. That also surprised him because he doesn't say anything. He just stares at me for a few moments before opening his mouth but nothing comes out.

I start to walk away but before I can get to the door I hear him speak again. "She needs a section of liver. She has liver cancer and she needs a liver. I can't find anything on your other siblings and all I can find is you. If you can't help me can you help me get In contact with them?"

I let out a deep breath and turn towards him once more. He is desperate. Very desperate but I can't help him. I feel bad for rose, I really do but I'm not going to ask any of them to help that woman. My brothers are in happy homes now and they don't need this to bring up bad memories.

"I don't know if Rose told you the story of what happened. Me and my siblings went through hell, literal hell. So no, I won't help you get in contact with them."

He gives me a look that I can't even recognize and honestly I don't care much on what is going on in his head. He shakes his head and mumbles some things under his breath "our kids are 6, 3, and 1. They deserve to have their mother. Please, she is your mother"

I scoff and give him a look of pity. He might end up losing his wife but I can't help even if I wanted to. Im not supposed to go under, surgerys are only if absolutely necessary.

"That woman isn't my mother and she never will be. Im sorry for your kids and I'm sorry for you you but I'm not giving her any of my liver Once again do not contact me and most definitely don't contact my siblings." I say giving him a blank look.

He sighs and stands up grabbing his bag.

"One more thing" I state putting my hand telling his to stay still. He gives me a confused look but stops moving. "Watch out for her. She has a habit of making families and then leaving." I shrug and walk out of the room. I tell the security guard outside to make sure that Mr.Choi leaves the building.

I can't believe that he had the balls to come to me and ask me that. And that she let him! What the actual hell is wrong with her. She should have known the awnser instantly. She leaves then suddenly years later she has her husband come and ask for a section of my liver!?

I'm also confused how he found me? My file is closed and only my parents and I can access it. He could have used a private investigator..? I don't fucking know at this point. I'm so ready to go home.

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