Plane ride

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Y/ns pov
I hate planes. I love the view from the window and the silence but evey time I fly I feel sick. I've only ever flown by myself and each time I've had anxiety attacks.Now I'm flying with my members who look tired as hell and I still feel like I'm going to have an anxiety attack.

Our seats are right around each other, Jeongin and Jisung being right beside me, our row being the middle.Felix,Hyunjin, and chan,in the left row and Changbin, Seungmin, and Minho in the right row.

Jeongin made sure to book the sweet next to me because he feels like he needs to help me or something. I don't know honestly but Im happy he cares for me.

I feel jeongin grab my hand and I look over at him. "You hate plane rides. You look like you are about to freak out" he says smiling at me. I mumble a quiet thank you and smile back at him. He squeezes my hand in response and looks away.

Jisung taps my arm and when I look over he is holding a brownie. Where did he get a brownie from?

He hands me the brownie and pats my head, he then goes back to whatever he was doing on his phone. He  is gave me a brownie..

I thank him and stare at the brownie. I don't know why but for some reason it makes me want to cry. Everything makes me want to cry right now..

When I was younger I was obsessed with brownies. There was this bakery that had the nicest staff and thru would give me brownies. It was unexpected the first time. I was sitting there waiting for my phone to charge. That day was the first time I ran away from a foster home and I was having a horrible day, I didn't know what to do and for some reason they decided I needed a sudden act of kindness. I did. That kinda just Kickstarted my love for brownies. I would go there sometimes and they would give me one no questions asked. I wonder if the bakery is still there.

I know I'm going back to Chicago because my friend just died but maybe I can find some good in it.

I could visit old places I used to go. See what has changed in the past few year's.

Oh my god.. I could go see Mr. García! I wonder if his truck is still where it used to be? I wouldn't be surprised if he moved it, he used to move it when business got slow but he would always tell me where he was going.

A voice comes on the speaker and explains the safety  precaution's , and a bunch of other stuff that I'm not really paying attention to.

I open my brownie and take a small bite from it. I'm not really hungry but I appreciate him giving it to me so I'll eat it. 

Jeongin squeezes my hand again and when I turn to look at him he is staring at his phone. He has a small smile on his face. Why is he smiling?

"Why are you smiling?"

He turns and looks at me. "I don't like being touched, I never have.. but I don't mind yours." He mumbles looking away.


I'm not even going say anything to that. I don't know how me meant that so I won't say anything.


At some point I fell asleep which isn't surprising because I'm exhausted. Sure I've slept but not enough. Someone has their arm around me.

When I open my eyes I see that it's jeongin and we are both covered by a blanket. Where did he get a blanket from? Actually I don't care, I'm comfortable.

I look around to see if anyone is awake.

Felix and Chan are both awake and from the looks of it they are arguing. Its a silent argument but they are mouthing stuff to each other and glaring at one another.

I grab my phone and text Felix.

Lix 🐤

Don't kill each other.
There are witnesses.

When the fuck did you wake up??

A bit ago, you and chan have been arguing
So you didn't notice me waking up lol.

Sorry Chan is being stupid. How are you

I feel fine lix. I would feel better if you tell
Me why you and chan are arguing (:

You will be angry if I tell you.

Why would I be angry? What did you do?

Okay technically is most of us who did it.


So seungmin came up with the idea to bet
Who you would end up with Romantically.
It's between your 2 lover boys and 2 others
who I won't say. I bet on one of the other 2
And chan bet on your 2 lover boys, we are
Arguing over it right now...

What the fuck.
You both are so lucky we are on a plane.
We will talk about this situation later.

That's fair. Don't kill us pls

I make absolutely no promises.

I love you..

That's not going to work in this situation lix



These fuckers bet on me. And I'm finding out now of all times! Who knew about it? I'm actually kinda curious on who the other 2 people are..

Honestly I'm not that angry that they bet on me I'm more angry that they think this is a good time to argue about this. I'm not in the mood to yell at them so I'll get back to it later..

Jeongins arms tighten around me and he practically pulls me to his lap. His head ends up on my shoulder. Well looks like I'm going back to sleep.

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