The argument (3)

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Y/ns pov
It's been 4 days since everything happened. Minho, seungmin, changbin, and Chan all still won't even look my way. We had to record as a whole group and we had to interact. I stayed next to Felix, jeongin and han the entire time. Changbin wouldn't even acknowledge my existence the entire time and we all had to pretend everything was okay. But it's my fault, I chose to hide everything from my members and I then caused a huge issue in the group.. Once again I fuck up a good situation.

My phone starts ringing and the name channie🐺 shows up on my phone. It's 4 in the morning, why is he calling me? I answer the call and hear Chan repeatinga slurred hello

"Chan hyung are you drunk?" I ask as he starts mumbling random words under his breath
"y/nie hi.. I'm- I'm sorry it's so late and I- I decided to call.. I miss youu" well I was correct. He's super drunk. Chan like never drinks and when he does it is a very small amount so him being wasted is definitely not normal.

  "Channie hyung its 4 in the morning. Your drunk and probably not in your right mind. Please go to sleep" I state keeping a neutral tone. Chan grumbles a no and continues to ramble.

"Y/n the dorm is weird without you.. Hyunjin is already missing and changbin has practically beat himself up since you left. There are things we don't know and that is fine. Your past is yours and if you want to wait till your comfortable to tell us about it then that's fine.. Just please come back to the dorms" I hear chan blurt out and I honestly did not expect him to say all that. Maybe drunk words are true thoughts? I'm not sure I haven't been drunk in over 4 years so I honestly don't remember.. I let out another sigh and he just stays silent. He sounds sincere.. But once again he's drink and probably won't remember this conversation tomorrow morning.

   "Hyung drink some water and head to sleep okay? If you remember this conversation in the morning then call me when you wake up" he sighs then mumnles a quick 'okay, love you, then ends the call. I miss my members so much. Felix, han, and jeongin have practically begged me to come back home and now so has chan. Hopefully changbin comes around..
It's the next day and Chan didn't remember the conversation. Or hes embarrassed he drunk called me. One of the two. But I'm at the company today. We don't have group practice so Im just going practice alone. 

  I've really only practiced alone since everything happened because we haven't had any group practices  and because I've been around my brother and his group most of the time. I've watched them practice and they watched me practice then pretty much criticized everything I did. Even when I was warming up. So let's just say I'm not practicing with them ever again.

I sit on the floor and start to do the normal stretching. I stretch for a minute before I hear the practice room door open and close. Then all I hear are footsteps. I look up to see a blank faced changbin. I mumble out a quick "hi"before going back to my stretching. He stands there for a moment before letting out a weird noise

   "I thought you were going to come back to the dorm after one day.. Then I realized that I was wrong and that I messed up.Wh-what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry that I freaked out on you and that I went through your stuff.. Those things were yours and they are your business.. I felt hurt because I thought I know pretty much everything about you but then I saw those and I didn't know as much about you then I thought" changbin confesses stepping a bit closer to me. "please come back to the dorm.. We really miss you"  I look up at him and he looks like he's about to break into tears. He sits down next to me and looks in every other direction but mine.

   I know he wants the story. Why I have all those things in the box. And so what do I do? I tell him. About being infoster care, the foster homes, the alcohol, the drugs, that tattoos. Then I told him about the little old lady and her death. When I was adopted by my family. He didn't react to any of it. He just sat there listening and nodding. Of course I left out a few details because I think that would be too much for him to handle. The more gore of it I left out.

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