The concert

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Y/ns pov
The concert is in 4 days and I have yet to tell my members about Parker and his moms. I want to explain it but I'm worried about their reaction. Chan will probably be pissed I didn't talk to him about it but it should be fine right? I'm sure everything will be good. And if it not then oh well. At lease i told them.

Everyone is sitting around and playing different games. Chan and Felix playing Uno; han, changbin and Jeongin playing a random video game and minho, seungmin, and hyunjin at just on their phones. Hyunjins back by the way. He's only been back for two days but it's nice that he's around again. I missed him.. 

I go and sit next to felix leaning on him a bit and he wraps his spare arm around me. Chan places down a card and Felix starts complaining about the card he placed down. "You okay? You've been really quiet in the passed few days" Felix asks whispering at me. I just shrug and continue to watch them both play uno. How do I explain this to them?  I could just go for it, the things is say could come out wrong. I could give them light details so they would be to mentally draining to give them and every slight detail.

I turn and lay down so my head is in Felixs lap and he just pats my head. This is so common occurrence when everyone is just hanging out. I normally dont play games with everyone because they are all super competitive and I'd rather not get something thrown at me.. I know that they are all understanding and won't be mad. Well they might be.. "Hey guys.. I want to talk to you guys about something.." I randomly blurt out surprising myself. They all turn to look at me and I tell them to continue what their doing while I talk.

"So I invited people to come to our conert in a few days..." I state pausing before taking a deep breath. "It's important to me that you guys would meet them.. If that's okay with you guys." most of the members mumble a quick okay and Chan is the first one to speak up.

"May I ask who it is you want us to meet?" I nod my head and look over at changbin who just gives me a small smile. I turn my head a bit so I'm looking at all the members but Felix cause I'm laying on him.
"My brother and his moms.. And no not Jungkook, It's a long story and if you all would like I can give you a short explanation.."  chan, hyunjin and han shake their head  yes while minho and seungmin try not to look interested but you can see that they are.
I start the more short version of my story. My biological family, foster care, adoption number 1, adoption number 2. That's all I explained to them. The all just sat there even after I explained everything. Plain Silence. No noises, no confused sounds just silence. 

"That explains the box.." I hear someone mumble. Felix has a tight grip on my side and from the look of it Minho and seungmin feel like shit. 
  "Felix your going to leave bruises on his side if you don't losen your grip on him" Chan states before he starts laughing. Felixs face lightens and so does his grip. Everyone goes back to doing their accounted things and laughing and arguing starts.. Somehow  i end up falling asleep im felixs lap.

Its the day of the perfomance and im Teriffied. This is not only the first concert that actually has stays in person but also my members are meeting my brother and his family. The concert is small with only 200 in person stays and the rest are online. Fans havent Been let in yet and im assuming they are letting parker in from the side door. My members are nervous as hell. They are more nervous to meet parker then they are to see stays.
"Y/n-ah what if your brother doesnt like me?" Felix groans leaning on me. Hes asked the same question to me since i told them. Felix is a sweetheart, everyone loves him so he has nothing to worry about.

"Felix calm down, Parker will like you. Calm down a bit" Felix nods and suddenly I hear a staff member calling ny name.
"The people you invited are here!" I nod towards the tall male and Felix looks like he is about to explode. The poor dude turns and zooms to the other members almost knocking down han. I turn around and see Parker and his moms who both look a little confused. It might be Because of Felix or Because how everything is a bit of a mess.

Stray kids 9th member حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن