She nodded and moved behind me "Maybe you've only been aware for a day.But you've been a Grisha your whole life.And now you're here, to tear down the Fold."

In the hallway. 

Me " No army uniform includes a veil."

Genya " You look fine."

Me "Say one wanted to leave the Little Palace-"

Genya "But everything you need is here."

Me "I've got some things I've forgotten back at the camp. I could just go back."

Genya shook her head "Don't be ridiculous. This way."

I stopped when i looked into the mirror.

Genya "No one can see you until King Pyotr does."

Me "It's just as well. This outfit is ridiculous."

Genya grabbed my hand and we walked through the door "Sadly, this is how the King sees the First Army. He cares little for mud, blood or sacrifice."

I asked confused "Shouldn't I be in a kefta?"

She shook her head " Oh, no. The King expects to see a humble girl plucked from the ranks of his army. He'll want to take the credit for you. You'll get a kefta once he's witnessed your power."

I nodded "Right, my power."

We walked down the stairs. 

Genya " By all accounts, it'll be King Pyotr, the Queen, Crown Prince Vasily, and the King's spiritual adviser, the Apparat. He's this greasy rat..."

Me "Was that a library? Is it available to all of us?"

Genya "Everything here is available to all of us. The general built this home for us so we can thrive."

I took my hat off "Has a Grisha ever escaped?"

Suddenly i heard from beside me "Planning on making a break for it?"

I froze "Uh, I didn't mean to..."

We stepped out of the building and the main part of the Little Palace was in front of us across the field. 

Kirigan "I think the Grand Palace is the ugliest building I've ever seen. How was your rest?"

 I sighed "Restless. Despite Genya's magic, I didn't-"

Kirigan shook his head " It's not magic. It's science. Or rather, Small Science. We do not conjure from nothing. We manipulate that which already exists around us."

Me "You make it sound so easy."

Kirigan "A bird makes flight look easy. But it was born to do so."

Me "When it's ready."

Kirigan "So, be ready."

Me "You're asking me to do something I didn't even know I could do three days ago."

Kirigan "Do you believe I brought you here to make a fool of you? To make a fool of both of us? "

I looked down. 

Kirigan "Just keep your focus on me, and you'll be fine. "

I looked at him. 

Kirigan "Once he sees what you can do and we have his blessing, you will remain here to train."

I asked confused  " His blessing? I thought you ruled the Grisha."

Kirigan "I may lead the Second Army, but the King is still the King."

His Light - General Kirigan (Shadow and Bone)Where stories live. Discover now