All Might was saying it in a gloomy way. He couldn't do much for his student to help him become as strong as he is now. He was even trained by pirates, who are good people from what he hears, for not just his quirk, but his mind, body and even spirit.

On Midoriya's side of the call, he was sad that his idol is becoming depressed. But he smiled knowing what to say.

Izuku: All Might, let me tell you something.

All Might listening: What is it?

Izuku: I wasn't exactly in their world for a year and a half. I was technically there for 13 and a half years.

All Might: What?!

Izuku: I know, it's really confusing but let me explain. After completing a mission at a place called Dressrosa, I discovered one of the quirks that I have from One For All.

All Might: Yes Aizawa told me that after your training.

Izuku: Well, it was BlackWhip and I had very difficult trouble with it along with the other things that I was learning with the Straw Hats. Then something else happened after that.

All Might: What is it?

Izuku: Well we went to an island, cause Luffy was a hungry person and always is, so we went to an island that we are close together as a quick detour. One of the islands was a traditional place, with temples and shrines similar to Buddhist countries. And the other was something different, there were shrines but they are older than the one on the other island. And that is because those who enter that island get aged rapidly by year per day.

All Might: How does that work?

Izuku: I can't say. It's just really confusing to say, even for me. Anyway, when we got to the island with the buddhist shrines, there was another incident with that island. Though it was something much more serious than me and the Straw Hats had believed.

All MIght: What do you mean?

Izuku: Because one of Big Mom's Sweet Commanders was attacking it. Cracker.

All MIght: Who are the "Sweet Commanders"?

Izuku: They're Big Mom's powerful fighters. And this wasn't the real Cracker, but rather the army that he can make. Which was a problem because there were a lot of them. Which... resulting in a lot of people gone.

All Might sorry for Izuku: Young Man, I'm sorry for your loss.

Izuku sorrow: It was worse, when someone you promised to help, got killed right in front of you. I was broken, I doubted myself so much that I was close to ending it. *cracking a tear* But the Straw Hats helped me come to my senses and they promised to help me get stronger than no one else can.

All Might: I'm sorry to hear that but what does this have to do with me.

Izuku: Well someone has this devil fruit that changes a person's age. And when I was it I was aged back and turned into a 4 year old. After freaking out for a while I came to the idea that I can cheat my aging by going to the island. And so thanks to the island, the Straw Hats each waste a year of their life, just to help me get stronger. And I also got motivation from you.

All Might: What?

Izuku: I always see you as my inspiration, to become someone as great as you if not greater. And I still do through my life in this world. You have given me enough hope to take the beating of my bullies and continue dreaming of being a hero to return that hope to everyone.

All Might smiled when he heard that he helped Midoriya, even when he wasn't there.

All Might: You know, you always find a way to make people better.

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