Chapter Fifteen: The Night After

Start from the beginning

I had just taken the ball from the other team and was defending it from Kaden. As I dribbled, I stuck my rear out to push him farther away. So far, it was working, but there's always gotta be something that goes wrong.

Looking for an 'escape route', I heard his husky voice speak into my ear. "I love it when you grind on me baby." What he said nearly gave me a heart attack. I froze, giving him the perfect opportunity to steal the ball and score another point for his team. Still in shock, I chased after him and only to see him laughing at me.

That perverted little- I'm going to have to get back at him for that later!

I knew class would be over soon and there was no way I was letting him have the last laugh. In control of the ball once again, thanks to Shane, I made way towards the hoop. I had to do something big to return the shock Kaden imposed on me. Ugh, I gotta think fast. That's when it hit me.

I'm not going to get Kaden back.

Managing to sneak some looks and mouth a couple of directions to Shane and Jamie, who was also on my team, I dashed off to the center of the gym. A guy I didn't even know was trying to cover me and retrieve the ball. Sorry guy, but you are exactly what I'm looking for.

While Shane took Chase and Chris, Jamie was making sure Kaden wasn't able to get near me. One thing I know for sure right now is that Kaden is watching my every move.

Perfect timing.

I did exactly as I had accidentally done with Kaden to this unknowing boy. Difference being that this time it was on purpose, I felt him tense up and I took the chance to launch the ball from half court. As it flung into the basket I glanced over at Kaden and his expression was probably the funniest thing I have ever seen. It was mix between shock, anger, and what seemed like jealousy. It couldn't be jealousy though. He has no reason to be jealous.

The coaches whistle blew loud and clear as soon as Kaden started to descend towards me, but he didn't stop. Frozen, I stood there watching him speed walk to me.

"Blue Team, as a result of winning, head to the showers early. Red Team, let's do some workin' out." Just before he could reach me, I followed coaches' instructions and scurried off to the locker room. Leaving him to do the work out.

THANK YOU COACH! Kaden coming at me like that has yet to end well for me so I'm glad I could avoid it for now.

After putting my hair up to avoid getting it wet, I slipped into the showers to wash off all this sweat. Once I was done, I tugged on a new outfit that I bring everyday, and headed out. As soon as I was out of the back door that lead outside from the locker rooms, a tall dark figure stood in my path causing me to jump back a little. When my eyes met their brown ones, my heart accelerated an I muttered a 'crap', underneath my breath.

"Cute little stunt you pulled back there."

"Thanks Kaden, I thought you'd like it." I grimaced. Gosh I really hope he doesn't do anything.

"I do hope you realize that if you do something like that again, I will make you regret it. Don't forget that we are still playing our game and for the time being, you're mine." He finished growling out.

While he was talking, I had been steadily inching backwards with him slowly coming in my direction. Now I was being pushed up against the wall and he had trapped me between his muscular arms. This is the side of Kaden that scared me. Cold eyes, low demanding voiced, and his whole body was tensed up like he was ready to hit something. And it frightened me dearly.

Going against my better judgement, my mouth started forming words and there was no way to stop it. "Possessive much? You don't own me. Dating or not, I can and will do anything I would like to."

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