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"I'm outside baby" Zahc said into the phone

"Okay here I come" I finished rolling my last curl. I went over to my bed and slid on my black strapless dress and stepped into my red bottom heels I added my final touches of makeup and left out of my room

"Damn shorty let me holla at you" Asia jokingly said "nah thou you look good" she said

"I hope so I want his chin to hit his lap when he see me" I said "that mothafucka might fall off tonight" I chuckled and began walking down the stairs "don't do nothing I ain't doing tonight" she said

I walked out the house and seen Vell lending over in Zahc car I cleared my throat he popped up and walked over to me "that ain't ole dude is it?" He asked

"No goof ass" I replied

"Oh" he said "aye lil bit don't forget what I said" he said referring to Zahc as lil bit

"What you say?" I asked he walked away from me "your such an asshole" I said walking over to the car Zahc gotten out of his driver seat and walked over to open the passenger door for me I thanked him as I got in he shut the door and made his way back to the driver seat he had his eyes on the rode the whole ride

"So you and that nigga Trouble was fucking around?" he asked

"Why? Aren't we on a date ion wanna talk about another nigga today is about you and I" I said

He chuckled "oh shit my fault" he said as we pulled up to this fancy ass restaurant we hopped out and he gave valet the keys and we walked in "table for two" he said then the hostess walked us to the table

We sat in silence "so you never went on a date before huh" I said he shook his head I rolled my eyes

"I usually just take girls to the crib and.." I cut him off

"Well this ain't that but on a real date you usually supposed to get to know your date like what's you hobby what you like to do on your free time?" I asked

"Make money I ain't like them 64th niggas I'm gone get me some money" he said

"Umm okay where you from?" I asked

"63rd" he replied this nigga I'm not dumb I for sure listen to King Von I know he's obviously beefing with Trouble and them

"Okay can you just not" I tailed off "act like a different person like we in this fancy ass restaurant stop acting all hood" I said he nodded

"Aight bet I'm thinking I'm wanna take this basketball shit serious with colleges offering me scholarships" I smiled and nodded "so where you want to be in five years?" He asked

I answered his question and this went on into the waiter came and took our order then he started telling me he had his eye on me every since Aaron party but when he seen me with Sal and Trouble he stepped back because of their beef.

-flashback 2009

"I know your not so hound of group homes but you'll get use to this I promise" Ms Kettle the group home lady said "Sakani they say that you cause a lot of trouble and I refuse to let that happen in this home" she finished she handed him a blanket set and point to the bed he'll be staying "when you finish making your bed go outside and meet the rest of the kids" she said before walking off

Trouble made his bed and went out to the back with the rest of the kids he sat on the bench watching all the other kids playing "aye joe what you claiming GD or BD?" some older boy with five other boys asked him Trouble didn't speak back "bitch you don't hear me you GD or BD?" he asked again Trouble struggled his shoulders

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