Chapter 2: Salt

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        Ever since The Queen's butlers left, Caera has been soaking herself up and down in the memories of this place. She won't stop blabbering on about them at all. The only thing coming out of her mouth, is either about the times she spent in the garden playing with Elizabeth and me, or how much she has missed eating a plethora of sweets while sitting beside me. The only time when I get to speak is when she stuffs herself with the Macaroons that Mey-Rin keeps bringing in from the kitchen.

        As Caera finishes yet another plateful (without letting me have a single bite), she gestures for Mey-Rin to bring more and then slumps deeper down into the couch, heaving out a satisfied sigh. "I've had many sweets in my time, but those were out of this world." She turns her gaze to me, "Where do you get them?" 

        "Sebastian makes them." I answer simply. "He makes the best sweets I've ever had as well. Actually, he even won the curry contest not very long ago." 

        My sister's expression suddenly becomes grim as soon as I utter my buter's name, but the girlish tone of her voice doesn't change as she says: "I'm guessing that's part of the reason you chose him as your butler, right? We share a huge sweet tooth." Her hands fly up in the air,  "Gah, now I wish I had a butler like him."

        I'd rather she didn't have a butler like Sebastian, for obvious reasons. It would be nice to have someone represent the Phantomhive family after I'm gone, and carry on the duty of keeping the underworld and surface world divided. The thought of what will happen once the demon finishes his end of the contract suddenly makes me feel weary and sick, and somewhat concerned for Caera. "You don't need a Butler." I snap, "Now that you're here, everything you need will be taken care of." 

        Caera sits up and stretches out her arms high above her head, before letting them fall to the force of gravity. "That would be very nice, Ciel. Unfortunately, I can't stay here for too long." She stands up, and starts stretching out her legs much like she used to do before. "There are people to be met, and tasks to be completed." A hint of mystery wrapped around her words. 

        I stand up along with her, and grab her wrist as she tries to walk away. "You're not going anywhere. The Queen herself asked me to look after you, and that's that. You're staying right here in the mansion." A fit of coughs takes me over by surprise, making me pause for a moment. 

        "Aww, you still have your nasty asthma issues." Caera observes, "You've been getting checkups atleast once a month, haven't you? I don't want it getting too serious... you used to get so weak and sick before..." She shakes her head, as if regretting something from the past. "So many lost playtimes..." 

        "That doesn't matter. I'm perfectly fine." I slip out the letter with the red seal that Grey gave me, "Here, read this." I hand the letter to Caera and watch as she gently tears it open and reads the contents, a expression of pure concentration on her face. It reminds me of the time, back before the fire, when she would ask me about helping her with maths. No matter how much she payed attention, or how much we tried, it was impossible to get the formula through to her head. Pushing back the wave of nostalgia, I direct my attention to the present. "Are you done yet?" 

        She jerks her head up, like someone just threw cold water at her. "Ciel, I don't get it..." Running  a hand through her hair, she gently drops the letter down on the table and heaves out a huge sigh. "I just don't understand her Majesty sometimes..." 

        Even though I can relate to that, I ask anyways: "What do you mean?" 

        Looking tired and fed up, Caera drops back down on the couch before answering: "If she knew that we both were alive and well, why did she wait three years before letting us meet?"  

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