𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫. not low-key

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❛ ── chapter four


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          𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐖𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐊, it was like all her senses had been heightened by a hundred and every little detail couldn't go unannounced.

But the girl knows this wouldn't last long── by that she means her emotions── because the moment she steps out of her car, Elle Nam is not just any normal rich kid anymore. She's Elle Nam, the girl who's being watched by the world every step she takes.

Taking one final breath, her driver opened the car's door allowing her to descend. Stepping out of the vehicle, her short heeled Louboutin's were the first to touch the ground.

Her matching pink tweed set consisting of a blazer that hung over her shoulders and a mini skirt that clung to her figure along with a sheer white blouse tucked into it. It was tweed season and Elle was going to use it to her advantage.

Pulling her shades out of her purse and fitting it over her face, Elle ascended into the school's building.

Immediately, the girl stood out like a sore thumb── a very pretty sore thumb. People moved out of their way so she could pass and gawked as she strutted up the stairs.

" Here, " someone said as the figure caught up beside her. She slowed in her steps and cranked her head over to him.

Min-Hyuk stood in a giant grey woolen trench coat, his school uniform under it. The boy held up a cup to her face, she could feel the warmth of the drink nipping on her cheek.

" I don't want it. Knowing you, your mother probably gave it to you. " Elle scoffed as she lightly pushed the paper cup away from her face. She wasn't wrong, his mother had in fact given it to him── but anyone should've known these small acts of kindness from him were rare.

" Aish, just drink it. Knowing you, you probably skipped breakfast, at least drink something. " He persisted as he gestured it to her.

" I didn't, and I have to. . . " Min-Hyuk eyed her with a firm look on his face, she huffed pushing a strand of hair from her face. " This is so stupid, " she mumbled taking the drink as he beamed.

Taking a sip, Elle was prepared to put her acting skills to use. But Min-Hyuk could see the way her eyes widened and quickly going in for another one, and another, and soon Elle had downed the entire drink.

" Well someone clearly liked it. " He chuckled and Elle replied with a glare.

" Don't even try with that, " she stood her ground and tossed her hair over her shoulders causing Min-Hyuk to take a step back to dodge it. " I only drank it because I feel bad throwing it away. " Her excuse was weak as she began striding into the school, leaving the boy behind.

" Yeah, yeah. Of course you did. " Min-Hyuk answered as he caught up to her, stuffing his hands into his pocket.

" Anyways, stop following me and go find your other friends. I'm going, bye. " Elle waved and attempts to detach herself from him but in classic Min-Hyuk fashion, the boy traps her with his arm over her shoulders.

" Nope, you're following me and that's final. Can you imagine all the popularity I'll get from being beside you? Plus, I want to show everyone my new disciple. " A hint of sarcasm in his tone as he drags her with him── frankly, Elle didn't try to fight it.

" What do you mean disciple? You taught me how to sing like 3 times, and I don't think you should take pride in teaching because you're a horrible teacher. " She rolled her eyes and Min-Hyuk pinched one of her cheeks, causing her to yelp before pushing him off.

Elle smoothens out her jacket for the nth time, cupping her cheek as he chuckled.

" Besides, I don't think the rest want to see my cheerful face this early in the morning. People with no taste must live such a boring life. I mean, they get to see Korea's junior miss universe up close, I'm sure a lot of people would jump at the chance to do that. "

" I guess they're just not used to having peppy and overoptimistic people around, you'd probably be able to take them all down if you just began talking their ears off. " They converse as they near the test site, him clearly noticing the staring eyes and trying to take Elle's mind off them.

" Well how would you feel if I acted like Seok-Kyung instead? No one wants her personality captured on a rectangle box. " Her remark makes Min-Hyuk chuckle, the way she could ever-so-casually throw out insults all whilst wearing a smile.

" I'm pretty sure either way, they wouldn't be able to miss you either way. You practically stand out like a diamond in a pile of rocks. "

The girl sighs. " Oh believe me, I know. Word around here spreads faster than fast-fashion dying. That's why I tried to stay low-key with my outfit, I didn't want to stand out too much. "

Min-Hyuk looks at her for a few moments before turning his head and scoffing. " You're funny sometimes, you know that? I don't know what deranged world you're living in for that to be considered 'low-key'. "

" Talk all you want, wait till you loose your voice from── " But Elle was cut off by the boy beside her yelling out a name.

" Seok-Hoon! Seok-Kyung! " He threw an arm up in the air and began waving. Min-Hyuk grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the direction of the group, he could hear her subtle wining from behind but continued on his merry way.

Elle swore that one day, she would smack him in the face with her heel. But before that happens, she'll just have to deal with it.


go girl give us nothing !! i've literally been stuck on this chapter for weeks and finally got around to finishing it, so if the writing was crappy you know why :D a little elle and min-hyuk banter to spice up your life. they match each other's energy and that's it. please vote !

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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