Chapter 4

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"So how exactly does this spell work?" Elijah asked Jonas, who sat across from him at the table. Jonas had broken into the doppelganger's house, who I learned was named Elena Gilbert, and stolen some of her personal possessions. He laid them out across a table, hoping to locate the girl. I stood behind Elijah, watching on.

"Give me your hand," Jonas said, holding up a pocket knife. Elijah placed his hand in the outstretched one and Jonas cut into it, not even earning a flinch from the Original in front of me. "Place it here," he gestured to the frame with Elena's picture in it. "Now take my hand." He did. "Close your eyes. Relax your mind. And look for her." Jonas shut his eyes, chanting a spell. It was quiet for a moment, until Jonas' eyes opened, "You saw her didn't you?"

"I know exactly where she is."


 We pulled up outside of Slater's apartment, quickly getting out and going up the stairs. Hearing voices, I stuck my arm out, stopping Elijah from moving any further. I looked over at him and he nodded his head slightly. Using my speed, I went around the corner, finding myself standing behind the man in the doorway. Shoving my hand through his back, I wrapped my fingers around his heart, pushing it all the way through and out his chest. He fell to the ground dead as Elijah walked up behind me. The other two vampires that were with the now-dead one, turned, eyes wide. Rose sped past me and out the door as Elijah came to a stop in front of the men. "I killed you. You were dead," the eldest Salvatore brother exclaimed as he stood in front of the doppelganger.

"For centuries now," Elijah spoke as I smirked. He turned to the men in front of him, "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" The one on his right asked.

"I'm Elijah. And this is Elizabeth."

"Ellie," I bowed my head slightly, acknowledging them.

"We were going to bring her to you. For Klaus. She's the doppelganger. I don't know how she exists, but she does. Klaus will want to see her."

"Yes, yes. Information we know already. Elijah, get on with it," I complained, rolling my eyes.

"Does anyone else know you're here?"

"No," both men shook their heads.

"Well, then you have been incredibly helpful," Elijah smiled, his hands going into their chests to pull out their hearts. He dropped them to the ground, looking up at the doppelganger and her body guard, who took a step forward. Turning, Elijah sped out of the room with me hot on his heels.


Sitting in my chair next to the window, I pulled my eyes away from my book, hearing the front door open. "Where's Luka?" Elijah asked, from his position at the window. He had been staring out of it for a while now.

"Asleep," Jonas replied.

"His shadow spell was successful. I was able to track that girl. However, I did have a little run-in with one of the brothers that tried to kill us," he mentioned, glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

"I assume he didn't live to tell about it."

"Actually, we spared him," I piped up. "He'd die before he let anything happen to her. They both would."

"She'll be kept safe," Elijah rejoined.

"For now."

"Well, that's precisely what we need her to be. Safe." Jonas looked confused, but kept quiet.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I was feeling really good because I went onto Quotev and saw that I had 6 hearts and over 130 views. The first three chapters have only been up for two days! And Klaus hasn't even shown up yet!

Just to let everyone know, Ellie has a British accent. She's not like Elijah, where he was born in England, but has an American accent. Okay? Do we all understand? Good. :)

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015.

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