chapter 3

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(A/N i feel bad for the people that's waiting for this story update so i decided to write like 3 chapters. Enjoy!)

While the prince of vampires, prince of beastmen and princess of fairies trying to prevent themselves from killing each other, Alden and Alastair who are probably the only sane people in their group trying to find their way out from the forest.

"I'll climb the tree and see if I can see any path out of the forest", Alastair suggest to which Alden nodded.

Alaistair start to climb up one of the tree. When he reach at the top of the tree he look around to see if there's any path. Unfortunately, the forest are full of tall and thick trees, he can't see anything but clouds on the sky and trees.

Just then, a small ball of green light flying towards him. Alastair thought that he might having a hallucination but the ball start getting closer and now, the ball of light is flying in front of his face. The light keep flying and pulling on his clothes, it also seems to be saying something but Alaistair only heard a faint sounds of bells.

"Little one, are you trying to tell me to follow you?", Alaistair question and the ball of light jump in excitement because the human prince manage to understand it.

"Let's meet on the ground to my....'companians' ",Alaistair said with faint annoyance. The ball of light jump again and starts flying down. Alaistair jump down the tree in a flash and meet up with his 'companians'.

"So? Did you find any path?"

"No, the trees are too tall and thick. I can't see anything, but I found something....or more like that something found me", Alaistair said. The other three royal princes and princess stopped bickering the moment Alaistair jump down the tree.

"And where does this 'something' now?",Fedrick asked.

As if on que, a ball of light appear and start sitting on Alaistair shoulder. A faint sound of bells could be heard.

"Hello too", Anne said as she wave at the ball of light. The princes look at her in suprise.

"You can understand it?",Alaistair asked since he can only heard a faint sound of bells. Anne rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"Of course I can understand her, she's a fairy!", she said and look at the prince like they're idiots (well, they are idiots in her opinion)

"Oh, so its a female", Alden said as he look at the ball of light.

"She's a lot smaller than usual fairies. She must be a companian fairy", Anne extend her hand to which the small ball of light fly to.

"Companian fairy are, just like their name, fairies that will become your companian when they think you are worthy. They will assist you when you need help and be there whenever you need them", Anne said again. The ball of light starts disappear, revealing a little fairy. The fairy have a short chestnut hair, a pair of green eyes and a pair of light green wings.

"Now, what's your name little fairy?",Anne ask the fairy with a soft voice and a beautiful smile.

The little fairy smile and start speaking to which the princes only heard are faint sounds of bells.

"Oh your name is Elly. A beautiful name for a beautiful fairy", Anne complliment and Elly laugh.

"Elly, you want me to follow you earlier. May I ask to where?", Alaistair ask softly even though his facial expression is his usual poker face.

Elly starts saying something that the princes can't understand. Anne, their unofficial translater, translate what Elly said to them.

"She said that she want us to meet her master? But fairies don't have a master. They are free creatures", Anne said in confusion.

"Maybe she want us to release her from her master?", Charles ask, in case her master forced her to obey whoever her master is. Anne nodded and ask the little fairy in a softer voice.

"Do you want us to release you from your master?", she ask with concern.

Elly shook her head no and starts speaking again. Anne's concern expression turn to confusion. Alden noticed this and ask Anne what's wrong.

"She said that her master didn't force her. She said we are destinied to meet her master and we should follow her to meet her master",Anne said as she look at the princes with frown.

"Should we follow her? What if its a trap?", Charles said in caution. Who knows if whoever her master is want Elly to lead them to a trap.

"That's impossible"

"You never knew"

"Let's follow her", Alaistair suddenly said.

"Alaistair?! Are you out of your mind?!"

"There must be a reason, and she said we are destinied to meet her master. Even if its turn out to be a trap, we can handle it", Alaistair said with his usual poker face as he look at Elly. Elly smile at him and sit on his shoulder.

"Alden? You're the smart one here. What do you say?"

"I think we should just do what Alaistair said. We won't know until we do it", Alden said.

"Geez I can't believe you just said that with a straight face.... Fine! Let's follow her then"

Elly smile brightly. The sound of bells show how happy she is. She point the direction and Alaistair starts walking to that direction.

"OI, ALAISTAIR! WAIT FOR US. Geez what's with him?"

"He have a soft spot for her. Let's just follow him before he left us here"

"I feel like something will happen. My sixth sense is tingling"

"Then you can stay here"


Without them knowing, this become a starter point of their destiny.

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