Cafe Nights || P.P x Reader

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The pic that I got this idea from ^^

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word count: 1,039

Your POV:

There's a lot of things about teachers  that get on my nerves. They never pay attention to what you want, and they push you to do what they want for you.

But the biggest thing that gets on my nerves is homework.

The fact that I work my butt off in challenging courses all day, come home, and do even more of it is exhausting. So exhausting, in fact, that I've fallen into a depressive cycle. The rhythm of it will never cease. It's just going to school, coming back, doing homework, and sleeping.

I don't even sleep enough.

I may be over-exaggerating a little bit. I have some extra time, to do chores or hang out with a couple friends, or working on the novel I've been writing for months. But education takes up a lot of my time, and I really wish it weren't that way.

Unfortunately, this is what I've got to deal with. So I make the best of my situation. Every single night, I go to Westside. It's a small cafe owned by my mom's best friend. You'd think that it was just a regular coffee shop, but this is actually an amazing place. The vibe of it is retro and it looks like it was built in the 80s or 90s.

Tonight is the same. When I walk in, there are some people there, but the place isn't packed. It's a weeknight, of course, and people think that it's better to work alone, at home. But I honestly think this place is underrated. Like c'mon, give it a chance.

I walk to the counter in front, recognizing the waitress behind it. "Hey, Darla!" I smile, adjusting the backpack that's over my shoulder.

"Hey, (Your Name). Loads of homework again, huh?" She nods to my overflowing bag that looks like it has a couple of dump trucks stuffed in it.

"Yeah. I can sit here and work, right?"

"Yeah, for sure!"

Darla is the nicest person I've ever met. She's 20, and is a single mother to a five year old. She had to leave high school to take care of her daughter and can't even finish college. Now, she's working here to raise enough money to pay for online classes along with the money her parents are sending her.

I wish I can do something more to help her than keep her company, but I can't.

I sit myself down at the front table, unzipping my backpack and pulling out my laptop, binders, and pencil bag. Time to get started, I internally groan.

—-time skip—-

Dang it. I've lost track of time. I check my phone, still inside my backpack. It's 5:45, thank goodness.

I stare at the packets in front of me, not comprehending it. I've completed all my assignments fast enough, but just one, my Chemistry lab, keeps getting to me. I've been trying to answer the rest of the lab questions, but science isn't my strong suit, and I barely even understand what we're doing in class.

I wish I could ask Darla, because she's really smart even though she left school, but she leaves at 5:30 on the dot. I look around, seeing if I recognize someone I know, but there's no one. No one until my eyes land on someone I vaguely recognize: Peter Parker.

He's a guy who sits in the seat next to me in Chem. I've always found him cute, I mean how could you not? He had wavy brown hair that never seemed brushed, warm chocolate eyes, and shirts with the dorkiest puns. I mean, what's there to not like?

Maybe I should ask him. I shake my head, clearing it of the thought. Why would he even answer me?

But soon, the internal battle comes to an end. I mean, grades, or one guy? I'd obviously pick grades. It was a hard decision though.

In the end, I decide to do it. I walk up to him, and I notice he's focusing on something on his laptop. He's wearing headphones and nodding his head to what sounds like Led Zeppelin.

Hmm. He has good taste, I guess.

He happens to glance up and notice me, and I jump back in shock. But I quickly regain composure and clear my throat. "Hi, uh I'm sorry. Could you--"

Before I finish, he interrupts me. "Sorry, I can't hear a word you're saying." He gives me a sheepish smile and pulls his headphones down.

This time, I say it more confidently. "Uh, I was wondering if you could help me with Chemistry? Mrs. Wright doesn't explain it a lot and I...I don't really pay attention. Science isn't my thing."

"Oh! Yeah, uh, that's okay. Here." He quickly scoots all his stuff next to the wall, his laptop almost falling in the process. He quickly catches it, like really fast. Dang, he's got good reflexes. "Sorry! I'm totally embarrassing myself here. I can't talk to people." His face is now crimson, and I resist the urge to laugh.

But it's also really cute.

"It's fine. I can't either, anyways." I scoot next to him and open up my laptop.

Peter explains it to me, and soon, information is clicking in my head. Finally I can understand some of this, and hopefully pass science this year.

I start packing up my stuff. "Thanks for helping me, Peter. I really, really appreciate it."

"Yeah, of course! Oh, and uhh...I have a question." He says.

At the same time, I say, "Can I ask you something?"

We laugh for a second, and I feel like all of the problems I've felt so far are flying away. "You go first," Peter said after sobering up.

"I was going to" I start to feel more shy. "Do you want to come here again this Saturday at six? But um, not to study. To hang out, I think."

"Yeah! I was going to ask you the same thing," Peter laughed. "Yes, of course. I'll go with you." He pushes back his brown hair and shoots me a smile. "I'll see you."

As I walk away with my backpack slung over my shoulder, I whisper, "It's a date, then."

We're going to ignore how rushed it got at the ending but anyways if you enjoyed it don't be a silent reader! The comment and vote buttons are always open :))

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