Chapter 9 - The Battle Begins

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A new chapter! This one aught'a be fun!


This chapter's kinda short, so bare with me please.

(3rd POV)

The morning later, troops assembled their weapons and battle stances together for the battle to become. Edmund and Oreius stood outside Aslan's tent witha table full of battle plans. Peter stepped out of the empty tent with a dull look on his face. He stepped up to the general and his brother.

(Peter's POV)

"She's right." I said, stepping up to Edmund and Oreius. "He's gone." I leaned against the table, feeling a sick feeling in my stomach.


I couldn't get her out of my head, and now...

"Then you'll have to lead us." Edmund said to me. I looked up at him in disbelief. I don't know the first thing about leading an army. I promised Mum I'd keep my siblings safe, and I might have failed right now.

"Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you."

"I can't!"

"Aslan believed you could." I looked down shamefully, not knowing what to do. "And so do I." Edmund said.

I gave Edmund a look. It's time for me me to step forward and bring the Witch to justice. Y/n, Susan and Lucy are counting on me. This what I need to do.

"The Witch's army is nearing, sire." Orieus said. "What are your orders?

(Hours Later...before the battle.)
(3rd POV)

Gryphon soared through the sky, his caws echoed through the air while his wings carried his through the sky. He flew towards Peter and Oreius who were fully armored. Edmund stood on top of a rock edge. Gryphon landed next to Peter.

"They come, Your Highness," he panted. "in numbers and weapons far greater then our own."

"Numbers do not win a battle." Oreius said with a nod.

"No." Peter said, looking forward ahead of him. "But I bet they help." A horn blasted in the distance.

Edmund and Mr. Beaver glanced at each other while Otmin stepped in view. He bellowed as the Witch's army approached

Gryphon was right. Their numbers were way more than Peter's. Including three giants, which had made Peter start to worry. The Witch rides up onto her own mound in a chariot pulled by polar bears. Wearing a chain mail dress, a gold headdress and Aslan's mane hangs from the headdress. She carried her wand in one hand.

Peter's breath stood still as they approached. He looked behind him at Edmund, who responded with a nod. Peter unsheathed his sword, making a horn sound in the distance and the soldiers cheer.

"I have no interest in prisoners. Kill them all." the Witch said. Otmin bellowed, followed by Ginarrbrik shouting in joy. Her army cheered.

Otmin led the army forward, charging towards Peter's army. The Witch glared in the distance at Peter.

Edmund drew his sword. The army sat in silence, until Peter gave his signal to the Griffins. The started to pair off, flying above her army, and carrying boulders in their talons. Otmin stopped and looked up at the flying creatures, then directed his order towards his army.

"Look to the sky!"

As they dropped the boulders and injured soldiers, dwarves drew their bows and arrows, and started to shoot down the Griffins. Some doged while others were unfortunately lost. The Griffins retreated and flew back as the army was getting closer. Peter looked at his comrade, Oreius.

"Are you with me?"

"To the death," Oreius said.

They looked forward again before Peter took a deep breath and raised his sword.

"For Narnia! AND FOR ASLAN!" Peter shouted, and rode toward battle, the army followed him. Time seemed to slow down as they rode towards what could be failure or victory. Peter's mind ran as the reality of battle came closer. Y/n's voice ran in his head of when they first met, which wasn't too long ago, but she believed in him for Narnia. Peter had to fight for his siblings, for his mother, for his father, for Aslan.

For Y/n...

Peter lowered his helmet, his heart started to pound as the cheetahs ran ahead towards the bengal tigers. Soon enough, the battle had officially started as they crashed into each other, and the fights started. Both armies had faced immediate casualties.

If this is the end... then he will stand up and fight for Narnia.


Yay! This is turning out so good so far!!

Stay tuned for next week!



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