Chapter 12 - The Coronation

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The final chapter is here! I'm happy I got to write this out for you guys!

This was such an amazing story to write and I hope all of you enjoyed it as well!

Now, let's continue on.

(3rd POV)

The horns sounded through Castle Cair Paravel as the King lead the four siblings to their thrones. Centaurs stood at attention with their swords raised in the air, and raised them higher as the five of them passed down the aisle. Y/n stood by the thrones in her liveliest dress and her hair done elegantly in braids and a cloak as well. Each throne had a significant carving into them. Aslan stopped in front of the thrones and the siblings approached them. They turned around and faced the crowd as Aslan began to speak.

"To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy," he glanced at Lucy, which made her smile. "the Valiant."

Mr. Tumnus approached them, wearing an elegant green scarf as the Beavers followed them with each crown resting on two pillows. Two flower crowns and two metal. Mr. Tunmus gently crowned Lucy, and she looked up and smiled at her friend, he nodded and went back to the crowns.

"To the great Western Wood, King Edmund the Just." Aslan announced. Tumnus rested the silver crown on Edmund.

"To the radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan, the Gentle." Susan was crowned with a beautiful golden flowered crown.

"To the clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter, the Magnificent." Peter stood tall and proud. But, Aslan wasn't finished.

"And, I have one more to make." Aslan looked over at Y/n, making her confused and surprised. He gently nodded and she approached. Aslan turned towards her and gently smiled at her before turning towards the crowd.

"And to the Midnight of The Night. I give you Queen Y/n, the Strength."

The two Beavers approached them with a beautiful blue crown of flowers. Tumnus gently picked it up and Y/n bowed her head, and it was placed among her head. The throne beside Peter was open, and she quietly made her way towards it. She smiled at Peter, and he smiled back before they all sat down in their thrones.

"Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens." Aslan said, and turned toward everyone.

"Long live King Peter! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Susan! Long live Queen Lucy! Long live Queen Y/n!"

Their cheers echoed throughout the castle, Lucy laughed and smiled at everyone. Peter and Y/n looked at each other with a smile as everyone cheered and the ball began.

After the crowning, everyone was enjoying themselves. Y/n met the other animals that had helped the siblings through their journey.

(Y/n's POV)

"Your Highness?"

A voice said from below me and caught my attention. A young fox was bowing before me and looked back up at me.

"And you must be the fox that Peter told me about. He said you took quite a sacrifice for them." I said.

"It was the right thing to do." he said.

"Well, thank you. For helping them. If it weren't for you, I never would have found him."

The fox smiled.

"It was my pleasure, your highness." He bowed again and left to go enjoy himself. I walked through everyone and was congratulated. I saw a glimpse of Aslan about to leave and quickly caught up with him.


The lion looked back at me and stopped. I approached him and caught my breath a little.
"Aslan, where are you going? The party just started."

"It seems I am no longer needed here." Aslan said.


"Y/n, Peter and his siblings are Kings and Queens now. Including you. Do not think that I am leaving forever. For you see, I am always here. Even when you don't feel I am, I will always be here with you, my little one." Aslan said.

I didn't want to start crying, but the tears nearly broke me. I quickly hugged Aslan and his soft mane, and sniffled.

"I'll miss you... Father." I said softly.

"I will miss you too, dear one." He replied and I placed my forehead against his again before letting him go. I sighed and went back to what I was doing, and ended up bumping into someone.

"Woah! Y/n!" Peter said.

"Sorry, Peter! I... wasn't looking where I was going." I quickly composed myself.

"Y/n? Are you alright?"

"...Aslan's leaving." I said sadly, "there's no point to stop him. We're the rulers of Narnia now, and he believes that we can do it." I said.

"And he's not wrong. I believe we can, too."

I smiled and he held my waist. I looked into his eyes and smiled. The crown on him made him look so different.

"How does it feel now that you're a king, now?" I asked.

"It feels... different."

"I agree." I replied.

He pulled me close, and kissed me. I let it happen too. It felt nice to finally have someone here with me as well.

Who knew that something like this would ever happen to me? I didn't think it would.

But, here we are.

Peter and I grown up until one day he left for the hunt of the White Stag in the woods, I didn't think he would be gome for long until a messenger came and gave me tragic news.

They were missing...

With them gone, I had to rule alone. But, with the acceptance of them never abandoning us, I knew that I would be okay. And Peter...

I knew to love him even when we're far apart...

The End

This ending was a little slow in my opinion, but it was definitely one of my favorites!

I hope you guys enjoyed this story and I hope to make more like it!

Love you guys!


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