chapter 9

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Chapter 9
They had been on the road for two weeks now and it was definitely a change of pace, Kenshin didn't miss Lohan, there was nothing there for him, but he had neglected how easy, how safe they had been, they weren't attacked or anything, but the sounds of the howling, the growl of bear and other animals terrified him. He wasn't exactly helpless, he could use his bow but didn't have any arrow making knowledge and is hand to hand combat was good but against animal, he had no chance. Thanks, the tree of life for Fang, she knew how to fight and was good at it, she had even crafted a small spear out of a small piece of very sharpened rock and a long wooden staff, she had mentioned preferring a larger weapon but they didn't have gold or found a town. Sure, Kenshin knew how to build tent, and what berries not to eat, but they didn't exactly satisfy is hunger, there was also this skill Vampirism. He had been told it was the key to survival but it had to be use over and over again with different beast to be of any use and none of them knew how to hunt.
- No luck horn, said Fang sadly, coming back from an attempt to hunt.
He knew, Fang craved meat she was half orc, how could she know.
- It's okay, Fang , you tried and I've spotted a lake nearby. He told her
- We have water ,horn but we need food , she answered
- We have water, but we don't have fish, he pointed out
She laughed the first laugh in a couple of days, he missed her laughing. They went to the lake, the sound, the smell it was intoxicating, so pleasant thought Kenshin.
- shhh , whispered Fang
She was pointing at something, a wild boar, what luck. They had to catch it, but he was big and big usually meant powerful, also he seemed to have sword scars on him, he had fought and survive. Fang was getting excited, he had to think quick. A flash came to him, analyze!
He analyzed the beast, it was strong, very strong, stronger than the both of them, but they had been lucky, it had a fresh wound that hadn't healed and it was close to the heart. He explained the situation to Fang, she nodded.
Kenshin use his leapt ability to land close to the beast and gave him a couple of punch on the wound, he succeeded in opening it, the beast got furious and lunge at him, he leapt in the direction of Fang, she was ready, something happened, she began to thump the ground and her eyes changed, Kenshin once again used analyze .she was using an ability, berserk
* Berserk: raise the strength and the constitution in exchange for reason and logic.
The boar was charging at her, it was going to kill her even with her berserk ability, Kenshin leapt to the beast with the strongest punch he could give out, the beast received next to no damage, but it had lost focus and Fang had strike the open wounded. They had defeated it. They had defeated the boar, Fang was still breathing heavily, Kenshin went to her and spoke
- Its over Fang, we've won
She got calmer and calmer. She smiled at him;

-we've won? She asks
- You killed it congrats, what was this ability ,he asked
- Berserk, it's an ability of the orcs, we are born with it and it helps us grow.
Kenshin smiled at her and spoke
- Am I the only one hungry
She laughs and started to drag the beast, they feasted and ate more than they ever ate, it was the best moment since they had left Lohan. Kenshin had learned two new abilities, the charge ability wasn't really strong, the boar was fast it was good for him, could he use leap and charge together? He'd have to test it out, he went to sleep. They were woken up, by scream, someone was begging for help, Fang heard it too
- What should we do, are we strong enough to be helping people, she asked
- we have too either way, it might be a sign from the tree of life. They followed the screams, to the scene. There was a small beast talking, it was talking! It was surrounded by three wolves .Kenshin used is analyze on the small beast

Analyse: kobold teen, health low, special ability touched by the god
What could this ability be, could he absorb it through drinking the blood, it was too much of an opportunity to miss out. He nodded to Fang, who took out a new weapon, she had used the giant boar fang, on her old lance, it was looking more dangerous, Kenshin smiled Fang using a fang. He had an ability to test out. They each attack an enemy, wolves were weak alone, they just had to keep them separated, Fang was done in seconds, Kenshin had used both abilities together and it had been devastating, truly overpowered a one-shot kill, but it had damaged him, he felt weak, weirdly enough the biggest of the wolves, he was different much different, didn't attack them, he had bitten the Kobold, howled and ran away they went to the small beast. Got him up, made sure he was okay.
- Thank you, oh thank you it said
- Are you okay, asked Fang
- I'm okay thank you, he said, my name is Tingle
- Hi I'm Kenshin and this is Fang, are you lost? why did they attack you? What are you doing out here
- It's nice to meet you guys, I got kicked out by my clan because I'm different, and no I'm not lost I like to explore to create my maps, want to see them.
Kenshin looked at Fang and started to laugh, this kobold was kind, and useful, Kenshin didn't think they needed map, those had to be expensive, a map creator was definitely a bonus.
-Want to join us, Fang ask
Good thought Kenshin she likes him too
-You don't mind? Asked tingle
- We are different too, said Kenshin winking, the three of them laugh.
- Okay then thank you, answer Tingle I can't really fight but I'll try to help, oh wait I forgot, come hawks.
And out of nowhere a bird came, the beast looked strong. They picked the dead wolves and went back to the camp; they had just eaten but they needed to heal. At the camp, Tingle told his story, he was from a great clan of kobold strong and numerous, at birth he had been selected to perform a ritual, those ritual made certain kobold very strong, other died. It hadn't work on him. There were no changes, but later on, he had developed the ability to speak and he could get animal to help him, it didn't work with every animal but a lot of them. This Kobold could prove useful, very useful, it was a nice add to the team. Kenshin was also very happy, he had learned a very useful skill
* Pack leader: increase the moral and strength of allies/ possibility to issue order and intimidate beast.
What a strong ability Kenshin though, before asking Fang to carve out the pelts. They went to sleep with their new allies and a bear who had come give them warmth at the demand of Tingle. Life had gotten better

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