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"Welcome to the first day of the regional competition! Today, the group and duo performances will be competing and tomorrow we will have the solos. First to perform is the group performance from Incheon Rythmic Gymnastic Center!" The host says through the mic which officially announces the start of the competition.

We will be going towards the end, which I hate because the stress only gets worse. We are all gathered in the backstage rooms, stretching and marking through the choreography. "Yeseul, how are you feeling?" Coach enters the room and walks towards me with a paper in hand. "Can you compete?" I nod my head, vigorously, letting her know I'm completely fine and in good shape for the day. "Good. Girls let me know if one of you feels sick as soon as possible. Okay?" We all nod and wait for her to leave the room before going back to our conversations.

"The team I used to compete in is here today." Yoona says with a weird tone in her voice. "I haven't seen my old coach for such a long time, it's weird." "Is it a bad thing?" Hyejin asks to which Yoona only shrugs. "I don't know, I guess I just want to prove that I am good at this. I think we'll do well." "Of course we'll do well. Look at us!" One of our team members speaks up from the other side of the room, making us all cheer. "I wish I could take a shot." I sigh, trying different warm ups to calm myself down. "Yeseul, you need to start meditating or something, your anxiety is off the roof." Hyejin says, shaking her head with pity. "I know, I know. I'll try it out one day, I promise." Hyejin laughs, "Don't promise me, it's for your sake."

More time passes by while I talk to the girls and continuously text Seungyoun who is sitting in the bleachers. I think back to the night before, in his room. Do I wish something would have happened or is it better this way? Why is this so complicated?

But before I can put more thought into that topic. Coach comes back into the room. "We are after the next group, so listen up. We've all worked hard for this and I know you girls are good so I believe in you. Make sure the toes are pointed and that you are all in sync. Try to do a good job and I guess you can have a little fun too. Go do our school proud, okay? Now let's go kick ass and take the gold medal to nationals." We cheer and get into a group hug before doing last minute touch-ups. We exit the waiting rooms and start walking to the hallway right before the entrance of the floor.

So far every team has been doing a great job, which has not been helping our nerves. "Okay, let's relax. We'll do great and get to nationals. Let's do this." Yoona whispers to us as we're all huddled together. As soon as she's done, the presenter calls out our school's name and instantly, we snap into our performance mode. In sync we walk onto the platform and place ourselves for the dance.

Everything is blurred out. It's just me, my team and the music. The familiar beep is the first thing I hear before we start performing. It's all going smoothly as we each catch our props perfectly, doing our acrobatic tricks and more.

Once the music finally stops, we're all breathing heavily. We stand still in our final positions for a few moments before standing back up and bowing down to the audience. We hug each other as we walk off the stage, waving to a few people. "That felt so good." Hyejin says as she jumps up and down to the waiting room. Our coach comes to us, applauding. "That was very good, ladies. I'm very satisfied with what you did. Now you can relax for another hour or two before they announce the results." We nod and throw on a jumper and I make my way to the bleachers where Seungyoun and Yohan are.

"That was amazing!" Yohan greets me with a hug. "I'm sure you guys are going to get the podium, I filmed it so I'll send it to the group chat later!" I look at Seungyoun who's already looking back at me.

Yohan runs off to go see Hyejin while I walk towards the older boy. "So? What did you think?" "I think that you were incredible and I can watch you do this all day." I feel my cheeks flush at his words and I slightly bite my lip to stop the smile from growing bigger. "Thanks, Seungyoun. Do you want to go get something to eat? I have about an hour before I have to get back." He nods and throws an arm over my shoulder as we walk out of the stadium to the nearest food store.

We spend the next hour talking about the competition and the upcoming ones, giving each other words of support. By the time we're ready to head back to the arena, it's about thirty minutes to the start of the medal ceremony.

"Yeseul, you will do amazing, I promise. Now go before your coach yells at you for being late." I nod at Seungyoun's words and quickly hug him before rushing to my team who is waiting next to the host and the podium. "You're lucky the coach isn't here or she would be so mad." Yoona whispers to me as soon as I get in line. "It's about to start."

"We will now start with the medal ceremony. Starting from fifth place." The host says. We hold each other's hands waiting for the results. Each place makes us more and more anxious. "Third place, Seoul Rhythmic Gymnastics." The crowd applauds as the team stands up to go receive their medals. "I'm getting so nervous." Hyejin mutters as we stand still. I nod, agreeing with her. The host announces the second place and it is not our name.

Now it's the announcement of first place and my heart is racing. "And first place goes to... the team from Sports University of Korea! Congratulations! See you at nationals!" We cheer, hugging each other tightly as our coach pats our backs. "Congratulations girls!" We walk to the podium, receiving our medals and the trophy, passing it to Yoona. We all smile at each other and I look at Seungyoun who's filming me and as he notices me staring at him he gives me a big wave. "Let's give a round of applause to everyone who participated today. Congratulations. We will be back here tomorrow for the solo performances, thank you for coming."

We all walk back to the waiting room and start chanting, jumping around. "We did it!" "We're going to nationals!" Even our coach is smiling with us. "I'm proud of you, girls. Let's keep up the good work and do as good or better at nationals. Let's rest well tonight so that everyone is ready for tomorrow. We'll celebrate once the competition is over. See you tomorrow." Coach leaves shortly after that and we start getting ready to leave.

Hyejin and I walk over to the boys who are waiting for us outside. Hyejin runs over to Yohan who gives her a bouquet of flowers and a kiss. I chuckle at the couple and walk over to Seungyoun. "You're lucky we came first or else that would've meant that you broke your promise." "I never break my promises so maybe that's why you came in first place." I laugh loudly, "Oh yeah? Not because of my hard work and skills." He shakes his head no to which I nudge his arm.

"Anyway, where's my huge bouquet of a hundred roses?" "Was that stuffed flower I gave you not enough?" "I'm joking, obviously. I don't think I'll get over that stuffed flower. That was seriously the cutest thing. Can't wait for the weekend to get over, I expect a huge party when I come back, I want to get drunk." Seungyoun scoffs at my words, "Oh my god, you're such an alcoholic." "Look who's talking." We continue bickering as we head back towards our hotel as I mentally prepare myself for the next day.


Omg sorry for taking so long to update I had such bad writers block plus I've been super busy but I really hope I can get back to updating regularly so that I can finish this book and blind date. This story is almost over which is crazy omg but it was so fun writing :))))

Hope u enjoyed this chapter and I'll see u soon!

U Got It // Cho Seungyoun Where stories live. Discover now