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"Did you bring food?" Seungyoun asks as we settle down on the cold sand. Without saying anything, I pull out a bunch of different snacks from the bag. "Ah, I knew I could trust you." He says as he looks through everything. 

"Your competition is soon. Are you ready?" I ask him laying down on the towel, my coat zipped to the top with the hood on. "Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about this one. When is your next competition?" He asks to which I reply "It's two weeks after the end of the holidays. It's the one before nationals so I really need to do a good job." Seungyoun nudges me and tells me not to worry, that we will both do great. "Now let's have fun." Seungyoun sits up from his previous position and I turn to look at him, "Okay su-". I'm cut off by suddenly being hauled over his shoulder as he stands up and starts running towards the water. "No! Seungyoun! Put me down! Put me down!" I shout in between laughs and slightly frightened. 

"You want me to put you down?" He asks in a joking matter to which I nod furiously along with a loud "Yes!". He takes me off of his shoulder and in mere seconds, I'm inches above the small waves that approach us. "I take it back! Don't put me down!" His laugh is all that is heard as he lifts me back up and away from the freezing water making me wrap my arms around his neck. His hands are each placed on my back and legs and he walks back to the towel still chuckling. 

"You're evil." My glare only makes him laugh harder. "You told me to put you down." "You almost put me in the water!" He says still standing while I look up from my seated position. "But I didn't." I sigh and roll my eyes. "I got so scared." I join him and we both laugh for a good five minutes.

After a bit of time, the sky starts getting darker and the only sources of light come from the distant lights of hotels and houses as well as his phone's flashlight. As we talk about everything and nothing, we unconsciously eat all the snacks. I'm sitting while facing the dark sea with my legs spread out in front of me and my arms supporting my upper body while Seungyoun is laying down staring at the sky with stars of different shades. 

"When I was younger, I kept on saying that stars were freckles." He starts saying making me look away from the ocean and at his face. I lay back down onto the towel and Seungyoun's arm that was spread out. "What a pretty comparison." I mutter looking up at the deep blue sky. "I like comparing mundane things something beautiful, I used to do it all the time." He continues, shifting his arm under my head so that he can gently play with my hair. "I think that's really cool, you should write a book or poems." "I write songs sometimes." His voice is almost shy, scared to hear my answer and I frown at that. "Why are you shy about it? That's so cool." His hand stops stroking my head, "You think so?" "Oh my god, Seungyoun, I know so!" I sit up as I continue talking, "You shouldn't be shy about that, I don't know who's been telling you mean things about that but they are obviously jealous and I know that it's annoying when people say that but it's true! I mean, I definitely want to know how to write songs." After a bit more talking, I take out my phone from my pocket and sigh. "I know we're having a heartfelt moment and I'm really enjoying it  but I think we should leave before it gets too late." I say while looking at the time, seeing that it's already six p.m.

We go back to the car, sad to say goodbye to the calm sea with the sounds of seagulls nearby. The drive back to campus feels shorter and knowing that tomorrow is Monday and a new week of hard work makes me groan internally. 


It's Friday, the last day of exams and the beginning of the holidays. Normally students would be ecstatic but as professional athletes, we still have to train for the first week. 

U Got It // Cho Seungyoun Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ