"That's for not telling her right away." Bridget said and then kicked me." That's for breaking her heart."

"Are you done?" I asked getting up off the ground.

"Yes. Don't talk to her okay, she doesn't want anything to do with you." She said before leaving." I'm sorry."

With that Bridget left to say goodbye to Michael and the others. I got up and left the arena having nowhere to go or anyone to see. When I walked out, I saw a crowd of girls standing outside waiting for us but in the back of my mind I knew that somehow word had already gotten out that we spilt up.

I walked up to a random girl fiddling on her phone to ask if Meghan had came through her.

"Hi." I said to her. When she looked up and saw me she almost screamed." If you don't mind me asking, have you seen Ashton's sister come through here after the show?" I asked.

"Uh yeah. She seemed to be in a hurry but stopped it answer one girl's question." She then proceeded to point out which girl Meghan talked to.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you ask Ashton's sister when she came through?" I asked her once she taken enough photos of me.

"I asked her if you guys were still together and she began crying before telling me no. After that she left." She explained. I thanked her and went back inside. I knew there was nothing I could say or do for Meghan to fix all of this but I had to get used to the fact that she and I were done.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ashton asked, coming up to me.

"I just lost the best girlfriend I'm ever going to get and the worst part is, after this I leave for a tour where Arzaylea is going to be popping up in the news as my new girlfriend and every time Meghan sees it, she's going to get hurt all over again." I explained.

"Nope. John fired her." Ashton stated." After you left, she left for good."

"At least there's that." I muttered." How did this get so screwed up? And why aren't you beating me up right now?" I asked him.

"Well for one thing Bridget already did," he said before gesturing to my possibly broken nose." And because I know the truth. You didn't want to hurt her and you intended to tell her or get out of it. It wasn't your fault that it blew up in your face. Could you have done something to avoid this? Yes, but you tried and that all that matters."


"No." Ashton said before punching me hard in the arm." Okay now we're cool."

"I feel like by the end of the night I'm going to need a full body cast because I'm sure Michael and Calum are going to take their hits at me." I said." But I just can't get over the fact of how hard Bridget punches. For such a tiny girl she's got a wicked throw."

"If Michael asks, tell him he punched harder than Bridget. We both know he won't but just in case."

Meghan's POV:
The drive back home was quiet. Bridget went with Izzy, leaving me alone in my car. It was dead silent and the only thing I could hear was my own thoughts.

When I got back to the house, I sat in the driveway pressing my head against the steering wheel.

When did this get so messy and complicated? If I hadn't found out now, what would've happened? Would Luke slept with her? Fallen in love with her?

I had to stop thinking about it because the mere thought of it made me begin to cry.

I sat in the car and cried harder than I ever have before. The tears just kept flooding out of my eyes the longer I sat in the truck. Eventually i got out and went Inside. I tried to dry my eyes and make it seem like everything was fine in order to get by them without questions.

"I'm home." I called when I walked in the door.

"Hey, how was the concert?" Jackjack asked when I walked in. Jack turned in his chair and looked at me with sad eyes, already knowing how it went down.

"It was fine." I replied.

"Are you and Luke Okay? I know being away again will-" I cut Sammy off.

"It's not a problem anymore." I told him." We didn't say goodbye for the time being, instead we broke up." I said. The three jumped up from their seats and simultaneously yelled,"What?!"

"Luke has been seeing another girl. Although he claims she was a publicity stunt, there's pictures of him and her kissing or hanging out at the beach. If he claims he doesn't have feelings for her, then he's putting a lot into it." I told them." So he and I broke up, also no I don't want to talk about and no you don't have to take me to the airport to say goodbye." I said heading for the stairs.

"Are you sure? You've had a rough night." Jack asked.

"No. It's not that big a deal; it's just me and a guy I loved breaking up. Why would that be a big deal?" I asked sarcastically before beginning to cry again.

Jack walked over to me and wrapped me in a hug.

"It's gonna be okay." He told me.

"Can I Say now that I didn't really like Luke from the beginning. Something about him didn't seem right." Sammy said.

When jack let go, I went up the stairs to my room and when I opened the door I immediately started ripping posters of the band off the wall. Pictures, gifts, clothes, everything of Luke was taken down and thrown into the back of my closet to be burned.

I went to bed that night curled up inside Luke's Santa Cruz sweatshirt, listening to their new album and crying. I didn't know what else to do now that he and I were over. Izzy and Bridget texted me a few times but I never got back to them. All they texts sounded alike."Are you okay" "need to vent?" "You deserve better"

Their constant texting didn't make me feel any better and neither did the boys coming in to check on me. They never said anything but they'd take a quick scan of the room, mumble something, and leave.

I locked the door an hour later and prepared myself for a hard weekend and another week to follow with kids from my school hearing about what happened.

I just hope that wherever Luke is going after tonight, he is absolutely miserable.

Luke's POV:
The whole plane ride to Japan I cried. The other three slept while I stared out at the night sky with tears flooding out of my eyes.

I spent a lot of time going through pictures of her and I wishing to go back to these moments.

I went to sleep thinking about how hurt she feels right and how much of it is my fault. Unlike any other problem I've faced in the past few months, there was no way to forget it or fix it.

As much as I wanted to blame this on John or Arzaylea, this was my fault.

This was all my fault

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