Suck it tommy!

531 11 3

heads up : cursing
Y/n's POV:

I open my eyelids, not very calm today. Why? Because someone is violently shaking me.

"What the hell drista" I get up panicking

"You didn't wake up! And I want to go out again" she says

I get an idea when she says that, getting up I tell her to get ready and rush to sapnaps room.

I walk in and sit on his bed, the side he isn't on of course. Crossing my legs and looking up at him I ask the most important question.

"Can we vlog?" I ask slightly quiet

"You want to vlog? Whats up with that?" He asks

"Uhh lets just say I wanna prove something, Drista wants to go out and I can try to convince dream" I try convincing my brother

"Yea I mean if dreams ok with us taking Drista and maybe coming himself too I'm cool with it" he says looking back down at his phone

"thank you!!" I put my hands together to signal a thanks and walk out of his room.

Making my way to dreams room I try thinking about what I'm going to say, dream would be down if I told him the real plan maybe encourage me and be more excited than I am. but when it comes to convincing a faceless streamer to go out and make a vlog with you? Let alone take his sister, who he also wants to remain faceless? this might be tough, but I can manage.

"Hey dream can I come in?" I knock

I got into a habit of not knocking, we are all used to it. I however stopped that 2 months ago when I walked in on him and George on a call trying to summon demons, I know right.

"Yea its open" I hear from the other side of the door

I open the door quietly and walk in closing the door behind me. Dreams sat at his desk, I dont have to see him to know he's editing because I can hear the keyboard clicking oddly aggressively.

"why so aggressive?" I laugh at him

"oh sorry, didn't realize" he stops and stretches a bit

"let me guess, you have been editing for a long time, you're tired, cramping up, quite obviously need a break, and are eager to finish so you're unconsciously typing really aggressively?" I assume

"yea.." he backs away from his desk and faces the bean bag chair next to his bed

I make my way over and sit on it, its a mint green color.

"Soo we have an idea for today-" I start

"whats the idea?" he interrupted immediately

"We want to go out and vlog" I straighten my posture a bit and make direct eye contact "You don't have to be in it at all!! Drista wont show her face, we just want you to come with. Pleaseeee- we can go to-" I try to explain

"no" he turns back to his desk

"I want to show Tommy we can vlog too, he's not special for having a bunch of friends he can go out with anddd he makes fun of us for it come on even twitter does." I spill

"When are we leaving?" Dream gets up immediately

"leaving in 20?" I smile

"sounds good" he smiles back

I walk out of his run, stop by sapnaps and let him know we are leaving in 20. Head to mines and catch drista up.

"Drista we are going to vlog." I stay calm

"Wait for real?" She asks

"YES I KNOW I KNOWW" I snap at the excitement

I mean im literally so excited, we are going to vlog. Do you know how big that is. We can potentially start a vlog war with Tommy, wait potentially vlog with Tommy? fuck im so excited.

"Where are we goinng? what are we going to do? when are we leaving? WHAT DO I TAKE?" Drista looks around the room gathering things in panic

"I DONT KNOWWW" I panic with her

for like the next five minutes me and Drista are literally running around my room shoving useless shit into my backpack, we are very obviously not sure what we are doing.

"ok wait, i dont think we need that" I say pointing out a flashlight in the side pocket

"wait, what even is that. who put that in there" Drista takes some random string out the backpack

"Drista i've got no clue dont look at me" I put my arms up as she gives me a why would you do that look

"ok lets take everything out, get changed and then CALMLY pack things we might need" I suggest

"ok" she agrees and helps me take everything out

oh my god what am i going to wear.

802 words

yooo this is cool im posting again, ik its not much but its a start so yeaa

Im actually kinda proud of this

bro guys stay safe out there please
i love u all genuinely
stay hydrated and have fun 🫶

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