Talking to the real child?

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Y/n's POV:

"So Y/n what do you actually think about Ranboo? You guys get shipped a lot" He asks striking up another conversation

"He is cool?" I basically ask attempting to dig my way out of this

"No like seriously" He says asking again

"Oh sorry, he is pog?" I speak again

"If you dont want to tell me thats fine just answer the questions you feel comfortable with" He says making me feel bad but comforted

"No its fine dont worry, In full honestly he is a really cool dude. Chat definitely thinks we talk more than we actually have and they make little things seem so big, but he really is cool. Mature for his age I would say, everything I have seen is him taking things well after everything I know he has been through. He makes me feel comforted and more welcomed, like it gives me more confidence and I think he is a really good friend I need to talk more with" I smile at the great description I made for the guy

"Thats cute aww- just kidding gross" Tommy says making me laugh in not being surprised at all

"Ok you asked" I scoff

"You asked" he repeats mockingly

"Hey tommy you are actually really nice off stream" I smile, as if he could see me anyways

"Yes I know" he says in a cocky tone, great he is back again

"No cause now you ruined the mood" I giggle slightly

"Whatever, you are cool too I guess" He groans

"So friends?" I ask

"Hm" He hums

"Hmmm" I hum back

"Fine" He sighs

"YESSSS" I yell excitedly

"Why has that made you happy?" He asks

"I dont know you're pretty pog, and I need more friends" I mutter

"SHE CALLED ME POG, THIS IS POGCHAMP" He yells in his normal tone suddenly

"Woah, calm child" I laugh

"Im calmer than you bitch" He responds

"Ok child what do we do now?" I ask suddenly curious on what was happening in this vc

"Movie?" He suggested

"Nah" I smirk



"Uh get to know each other?" He finally asks

"Hm sure!" I get excited "One slight problem I want to go lay in bed that was a long stream and I don't want to sit on this chair anymore my legs need stretching"

"Just join the call on your phone" He snickers

"Ok calm down boy" ..... "ok im done now we start"

"Wait what now?" He asks

"We get to know each other! Like asking questions and talking and stuff" I explain

"Ok..." He extends his words

"Fine ill start, I suck at asking questions tall are you?" I finally think of something

"6'3 im a big man" He responds

"Isn't Ranboo like 6'6?" I chuckle, jeez he is a giant though

"Okay fuck you, already blabbering about ranboob again. Are the shippers correct hm?" I hear his loud ranting again

"Come on now, we just met like a week or two ago. The point was to outsmart you and it worked, the shipping is ridiculous" I hum turning on my stomach while laying in bed

"Ridiculous? I wouldn't say that." he mutters "Also did you say 'come on now' much of a dream enjoyer are you?" He mimicked

"Yeah I live with the dude, know what he looks like too." I feel a smile lift on my face "What did you mean by the shipping not being ridiculous?" I ask curiously

"Oh nothing" He says and I immediately hear things moving around in the back... hm odd

~FlashBack And Ranboo's Pov~

"She was nice! I say we raid her" Tubbo says excitedly, chat agreeing with him

"I dont know tubbo what if we interrupt something-" I ask

"Who are we talking about" I hear tommy loudly get into the conversation

"Y/n!" Tubbo yells in lowercase

"Oh I talked to her! Speaking of might be filming a video together.." Tommy goes along with it

"Just raid her bossman, why so nervous?" Tubbo asks me forcefully

"Uhh ill tell you later" I respond eager to get out of this conversation, I just know this is going to be used as a shipping clip

"Dont end the stream I just got hereee and we should talk about this woman" Tommy whines

"I agree!" Tubbo sides with tommy while I silently jump around in minecraft

"I guess I can keep streaming for a while" I mutter

"AYYY" Tommy celebrates

"Why is chat saying ship and shyboo?" Tubbo asks, I can just hear the confusion and cursiousity in his voice

"Because bad chat ships me and Y/n" I answer honestly

"I actually see that" Tubbo says
"What do you think of her? Tommy says at the same time

"She's cool" I say

"Come on dont be boring" Tubbo groans

"Yeah don't be a pussy" Tommy agrees

"Well she is cool, I see her as a friend though we are just messing around with chat and trying to be friends" I respond in hopes of chat leaving us alone

Its true, I like Y/n but as a friend. We just met and are getting closer but chat just expects me to be head over heels for her at this point and it's getting annoying now

"I still see it" Tubbo says

I turn back to the twitch tab and see she isn't live anymore, chance ruined because I wasn't brave enough... great.

-present time and Y/n's pov again-

"I mean chat ships you and tubbo said he sees it" tommy finally says

"Tubbo? Aw man he seemed really cool too" I fake disappointment

"Dont talk about tubs like that he is so cool!" Tommy argues

"Hm is he now? Are you guys friends?" I ask

"He is my best friend!" Tommy says happily "but so is everyone else and the boob boy" he mutters the last part, I guess that embarrasses him?

"Thats cool?" I basically ask

We talk for another hour and a half before motherinnit asked him to eat dinner with their family, I got to meet her!

Today was a really good day actually... I got to talk to the real child behind the persona


1040 words

I mean its over 1000 words :D

Uhm yes

Also sorry ⟟ dont want ranboo or Y/n to "fall in love" so fast lol

Also abt the ships im not sure if ⟟ want them to be real or not (besides antfrost and velvet my beloved)

Looking back at all the chapters I see they are trash and im thinking about editing them all but I'll probably do that when this book finishes (if it does)

Stay hydrated and have a snack, im proud of you and you are valid idgaf what people tell you and you shouldn't either <3 ily baes

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