White Lies | six | last call

Start from the beginning

Those thoughts had been the reason why Taehyung had continued to do her bidding after what happened that day. For him to dedicate his time and energy to play his role well for Mina as a way to make up for his faults, and for him to put her first despite knowing what it would have been perceived by you and everyone else around him knowing what he had once vowed to do.

He had never failed to remind Mina of his true feelings, that he may never feel a thing for her no matter how much time they had spent together or how many times they had to act as lovers in front of everyone. He had tried to make it clear that nothing could wake his cold heart the same way you ever could, not even when Mina would cling to him and touch him as any doting girlfriend would.

"Taehyung?" she called for him when he still gave her no answer. Slowly, Taehyung sat down near the window, keeping his eyes looking far away into the city when he finally spoke,

"Why are you calling me now, Mina?"

The silence that answered him showed that his reaction was not exactly what she had expected to get from him. Especially not the cold tone he was giving her then.

"I—I've been thinking about you. I heard that you flew to England, and I thought—"

"You thought what?"

He never meant to sound so harsh, but perhaps his emotions were still there after all, finally making themselves known. He could picture Mina flinching on the other end of the call when there was a subtle gasp sounding from her. In the past, he would have backtracked and apologised for startling her, when at some point he had actually believed that Mina was too soft-hearted and too sensitive to deal with his mood swings. This time, however, the remaining anger that he had felt earlier was beginning to return to him, and he felt no remorse in showing her how he felt.

There would be no more subtlety or sympathy left for him to give. Not after what she had done. And certainly not after all the damage that had happened and for the time that he had lost for being so blinded with her lies.

But how could you blame her when you were the one who allowed things to turn this way?

Taehyung closed his eyes, trying to ward off the voice inside his head that kept chastising him for his faults in the past so he could find his own voice to speak again. "You thought what, Mina? Why did you think I came to London?"

He could already imagine the expression that she might be having right about now as he closed his eyes. The way her eyes would go hard with her stubbornness and her lips pursed with disdain the same way they would when things were not going her way. It was the look that she would always give him whenever he wouldn't follow her rules, and the look that he had begun to despise so much at one point that he would do anything just not to see it, even if it meant doing anything she wanted of him.

"I just...I thought—" he heard her stuttering on the call, and he was glad that he wasn't able to see her face when they were talking like this, knowing how easy it would have been for him to fall for her innocent act if she had been standing right in front of him.

"You went there to see her," Mina finally said with a cool voice, dropping her act without Taehyung ever having a chance to say a thing.

"Did you think I came here to find you?" Taehyung sneered at her, chuckling bitterly at the thought of her still wishing he would turn her way. "Even after years had passed and after all the things that I've shown you in the past, you still don't get it, do you?"

Shaking his head, Taehyung thought back to the moments when he would talk about his dreams and all the things he wanted to accomplish in life, when he sat down to share it all with her, allowing her to see his vulnerability, not once had he ever thought it would be the start of his down fall. At first, he had never brought up your name whenever he was talking to her, wanting to keep you to himself for a long time while avoiding to hurt Mina's feelings by letting her know that you had always been a part of everything that he had planned for his future, that his dreams would have never existed if not for you.

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