One sad fact about each of my ocs because yeah

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Her entire planet, the only thing she was supposed to protect, was destroyed right in front of her eyes and she will carry that guilt with her forever for not being able to do anything in that situation

Her entire childhood was destroyed from physical, verbal, and sexual abuse from her parents and it still goes on so it's hard for her to ever trust anyone in fear that they'll hurt her and do not family friendly things to her

She gets cat called whenever she's out and it makes her insecure about if anyone even considers her other than her looks

She barely ever gets to see her family and can never make friends because of her travels so she's pretty much always alone if Cinder wasn't there with her but still that's not enough to get rid of her loneliness

I'm naming more than 1 because oh boy is this girl traumatized. Her entire family is dead and she has nobody left. Her mom died from unknown causes, her dad from drug abuse, she killed her brother with her own hands, and she was forced to eat her own pet bunny as a punishment.

She never saw her real family again after she got washed away and the hole in her heart will never be filled because of it

Their childhood is being wasted doing work for Rin because he doesn't know how to do things. They don't know how to be a kid anymore and it's honestly sad how at only 6 years old they're already stressing about being an adult

He barely ever gets attention. He's always ignored and whenever he does something he's proud of and tells his family they just respond with cool and sometimes nothing. This is the reason why he wants to be so popular when he's older, so people finally acknowledge him and be proud of his accomplishments

Shu Shi
He knows deep down that something is wrong with him he just doesn't know what. He doesn't know about his deadly illness so whenever he sees kids being able to exercise without having to stop every 10 seconds for an inhaler break, or noticing no other kid he knows complains about heart problems, he knows that deep down something is wrong with him and it makes him insecure

He doesn't know how to adult. He's stressed and clueless about what to do and can't handle being an adult. Calypso has to help him with everything and it makes them both very tired

She's in constant fear and paranoia that one day she'll be killed by Skull and nobody will be there to save her. Just seeing Skull makes an overwhelming sense of dread wash over her

She's different and she knows. She's always left out of groups for being too weird or too loud and stuff like that. She finds it hard to make friends simply because nobody wants to be her friend

She's trapped in Inazuma and doesn't know how to go back. She was out at sea and suddenly her ship crashed and she had to escape on a life boat and ended up in Inazuma, but because of the storm she can't go back to her family and friends and is stuck there for the rest of her life

Hestia (new oc sneak peak)
Being the Pyro Archon's protector and guardian of Natlan is already a big deal on its own but because she's also immortal means that she'll see things the wishes not to see and relationships fall apart

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