Number #11: Avery

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Name: Avery

Age: 18-29

Gender: Female

Element: N/A shes too mean she doesn't deserve one grr

Weapon: Dagger and can throw some mean punches.

Occupation: forgot the name for people who work at Cafés lol

Relations: N/A

Description: Avery is a coldhearted, bossy, snappy girl. She gets straight to the point and if she doesn't get what she wants she sends her 2 friends(will draw soon) to pick on the person who didn't do what she wanted. She thinks she's some kind of queen and above others and she's not scared of anything, well except one thing. Whenever Skull is around Avery, her fight or flight responses activate and she will fight Skull or begin to spit out insults at her in order for Skull to leave because it always works. Skull is also her main victim of bullying, surprisingly. You might be asking, why does she hate Skull so much? They used to be childhood friends until around highschool Avery witnessed Skull snap and murder her classmates after years of endless bullying and Avery was the only one who managed to escaped. Skull tries to make amends with Avery still to this day, but it just ends with Avery and her friends beating her to a pulp and make her run away crying. Avery seems extremely mean at first, but her friends learned that she's actually quite funny and can make some good jokes. She's very vulgar and swears often and it makes some people uncomfy but she doesn't give a shit lmao.

Voice headcanon:

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