Chapter 3

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"Plus, we'll never know, He might be in trouble or got himself in a very dangerous situation"

I added. Not even two minutes later, Dick finally agreed and we- (*cough cough*) [insert annoyed eye roll] I mean...TIM started tracking Damian.

"Ok, I got his location! He's currently at a pizza shop on 25th street. Let's go



As soon as they all suit up, they were on their way to Damian's location with Nightwing on the lead followed by Red Hood, and lastly Red Robin. They were jumping from roof to roof but also trying to keep a low profile as much as they can. A few more roofs and they saw 2 small figures on the next couple of roofs. 

They decided to get a closer look at the 2 figures and just as they thought, one of them was Damian...But who's the other one? 

Tim's POV

Well, there's the Demon spawn and he seems fine. Although, who is he with? He seems really familiar but it's on the tip of my tongue.



A few moments ago...

3rd POV

As Jon and Damian sat there, Jon summed up all of his courage and asked Damian if he could whisper something really important to his ear. Damian hesitated at first but nodded

"Hey umm...There's something I've been meaning to tell you.." Jon started. He was going to confess! he couldn't believe he was doing this and he was really nervous at how Damian would react. Expecting Damian to humiliate or reject him, but he decided to declare his love anyways and that he would deal with the consequences later.

"I...I like you..." Jon whispered and was now squeezing his eye shut waiting for a response from Damian. Meanwhile, Damian sat there frozen, still processing what Jon just had said. He was really happy that Jon- well...His crush also liked him back but at the same time really red because he didn't know how to react.

Once Damian got back to his senses and managed to calm down a bit, he was going to respond to Jon's sudden confession when Jon interrupted him looking quite sad.

"Look, I'm sorry if I made it uncomfortable for you, and I didn't want to ruin our friendship so...If you don't feel the same we could just remain friends-" This time Damian interrupted Jon and kissed him...

They broke off the kiss and Jon looked shocked "Does this mean you like me back too?!" Asked Jon with sparkles in his eyes

"Yes, Jonathan you idiot," Damian stated with an eye roll. He then smiled at Jon which still shocked Jon but he smiled back. Not long after they both jumped at the sudden commotion from behind them

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" 3 voices that oddly sounded familiar shouted in all unison

Both Damian and Jon turned around and saw the 3 bat brothers, obviously furious.

"Todd? Dick? Tim? Whatever happened to personal life and privacy?" Damian said annoyed at his brothers 

"Damian we're sorry about your erm...Privacy being invaded by us tracking you and all but we're only trying to look out for you." Dick said with a worried expression

Damian sighed "'tt' I know...Are you done?"

"Actually no. Next time at least tell someone you're going out, so we wouldn't worry too much." Dick said. "so...What's your relationship with each other?" Dick added. 

They stood there for a good solid minute before the silence was broken

"So are we just gonna stand here? Cause I'm not the only one expecting an answer right?" Jason said sarcastically

"Shut it, Todd. Good question. What is our relationship?" Damian asked turning to Jon. Everyone's gaze went from Damian to Jon and this caused him to tense up.

"I-I mean...we could be y-you know.." Jon stated while Damian looked at him confused and trying to process what he means

"Wait..."Damian said with eyes wide open and looked away from Jon. He was as red as a tomato.

Jon did the same and the bat brothers just stood there switching their sigh from Damian to Jon and then back to Damian.

At this point, Dick knew they were just going to be like that for a while and offered Jon to stay at the Manor for the night since it was already late and they could sort it out. They all headed for the Manor. Alfred had prepared dinner and had joined Bruce who was already sitting in the dining room.

Bruce POV 


I heard a commotion happening in Damian's room so I went to check it. I didn't see any signs of Damian but saw the boys in his room who seemed to be discussing where he could be. While they were in the middle of their argument, I began tracking Damian and left the Manor to see what he is up to. It's not like I don't trust him, I'm just concerned and curious about what he could be up to this late at night.

I saw Damian with another figure who seemed to look like his best friend Jon climbing to the roof of a building. Fortunately, it's not a tall building. They finish eating pizza but they continue to talk to each other. 

It seems like Dick and the others had arrived at where Damian and I were, luckily I was hidden so they couldn't see me. Minutes later Jon was whispering something to Damian but Damian didn't give a response and just sat there looking kinda...Red-..?

Jon then starts talking again but before he could finish he was interrupted by Damian. The next thing I know is Damian and Jon are now kissing while Dick, Jason, and Tim are staring, confused or furious. 


 There it is. I thought to myself. I headed back to the Manor without being seen. I was greeted by Alfred and went to clean up for dinner. I sat down in the dining room, waiting for the boys. 


The boys had arrived and cleaned themselves up. I was first greeted by Dick and sat down. Followed by what seemed to be an angry Jason? and then Tim who had eye bags. Right behind Tim were Damian and Jon. I have to pretend to be completely clueless about the events that had happened from today.

"Hello Jon, Boys," I said and they nodded and sat down. I would be lying if I said it wasn't awkward at all. I sighed quietly, this is going to be chaos

To be continued...


Just a reminder, please no hate TwT I'm just a beginner and on top of that, it is my Au so it will be a little different but there are no major differences.

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