Prickled Raisin [8]

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So my cat says hi.

He placed the cigarette in his mouth and inhaled deeply. Smoke plagued his lungs and tar crawled up his throat as he exhaled, coughing slightly. His chest burned but he thought nothing of it, instead gazing out on the lazy river.

This night was peaceful this time. He was all alone, he had no smoldering rage, and the night quietly looked on. He propped his head on his palm, twirling the cigarette in this fingers. It's been a while since Dabi had seen a night so still, there wasn't even a breeze to keep his lone form company. It was as things should be. He was always a loner, always solo, never leaning on anyone. He was grateful for last night though. The girl had brought him much needed light into his life, her bubbly nature leaving a lasting mark on his scarred mind.

Thanks to her, he could breathe easy again for at least another two weeks. Life was going to be good.


Or not...

"Fuck me," he growled, stomping out the remaining bud. He turned towards her as she bulldozed into him. He gritted his teeth and she simply looped her arm around his and began to drag him off. "The hell is this?"

She didn't bother looking back, although the dark shadows on her face told a multitude of tales as to her anger. Just above her tight-line lips were smudges of dark ink poorly washed away. "It doesn't matter what this is, you're here, so you're coming with me." He sighed, hanging his head as he begrudgingly was forced into a light jog.

"Can you at least tell me where we are going?" He asked wearily. She glanced over her shoulder, catching his eye.

"There's a twenty-four-hour ice cream parlor that always cheers me up. I'm taking you with me." She faced forwards again and her grip on his arm tightened. "I don't know you, and I'm not even sure if you're safe. But around here, you're the only other person I know, and the only person who doesn't make my head feel like a spinning top with no end in sight." She slowed down, breathing heavily. "Here we are."

It was fairly well kept, the walls were white without splotches of mud, and the lights didn't flicker, a sign of proper management. From the inside you could hear hotel elevator music, and you could see a diner bar with a lone worker and a bored face, drooping eyes facing the clock. "Was this always here?" Dabi asked incredulously, eyeing his surroundings with suspicion.

"It's been here ever since I was a girl," She replied, pulling him unwillingly into the parlor. The bell rang and the clerk turned his tired eyes towards us, lingering on Dabi as his face furrowed. He didn't blame the guy, he looked like an outright villain. "Hey Pops Jr." She greeted breezily, dragging him into a random booth before sitting down. She visibly relaxed, drumming her fingers on the table. "Order whatever you like, even put a shot in it if you really want," she sighed, her emerald eyes hardening. "Don't worry about the cost, Hawks will deal with it." He raised an eyebrow but said nothing, idly picking up a menu.

"Hey Bubbs, long time no see," the clerk hopped over the counter and strode over to us. He flips out a notepad and clicks a pen. "Who's this guy?" He asks, jerking his chin towards Dabi.

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