Slipped Secrets [6]

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"Finally..." I whispered hoarsely, my face taking on the shape of the JoJo universe. "I've made enough money to move out... It's been a long month of me saving every last penny, but now, now I can finally leave this forsaken place..." My finger hovered over the send button, which was equipped to send a perfectly drafted email inquiring about a pretty dingy and dilapidated apartment, but it was better than having this situation weigh down on my ego any longer. "I'M FREEEEEE-"

"Oh, Bubbles, are you reenacting JoJo?" He inquired, plopping himself down on the couch beside me. He conveniently got the same days off as me, so now we spent an obscene amount of time together. He set a bucket of fried chicken down on the coffee table and kicked up his feet, shifting his wings to sit more comfortably. "Hey, could you sit up a bit? Ah, thanks sweet cheeks," he thanked. I blinked, and then his wing was settled behind me, curving around my right side and pulling me in right beside him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I froze, my body changing from pearly white skin to complete scarlet. "Hmm, you plannin' on moving out?" He took my laptop from my lap and balanced it on his knees, reading through my drafted email. He whistled, eyebrows raised.

"Damn, you've got some strong points in here," he commented, and then clicked something. My eyes widened. No, he wouldn't... "Oops, too bad it's deleted," he said sarcastically, and I ripped my laptop from him, scanning the screen.



"You didn't..."

"I did," he grinned, kissing my cheek. I shoved him away, and he tilted his head as though he were innocent of all crimes. "C'mon, you know you can just stay here, why rush things and obviously go into a super sketchy deal?" His words made sense, and if I were sound of mind I would have been able to take his suggestions. But I was not sound of mind. And he had already made me put up with a bunch of his antics. I puffed my cheeks, seething in anger and shot up, only for his arm around my shoulder to anchor me to the ground.

He waved a chicken wing, waving it in front of my face. Despite myself, my mouth salivated, and he laughed. I leaned forward to bite it and he pulled away, tutting. "Say please," he taunted, and my face twisted into a rage. "That's not what I was expecting."

"This is fine! I'll just starve!" I yelled, but this time his arm was snuggly against the nook of my waist, pressing me closer to him. "Hawks!" I cried, desperately struggling to escape.

"You know you want to," he whispered huskily in my ear, and my heart thundered in my chest. "It's just a word," he teased, bringing the wing ever closer. I twisted my chin away, but it didn't stop the smell from infiltrating my nostrils. "Oh, maybe you'd prefer if I'd..." He placed the bone in his mouth and proceeded to near me, and my heart kick-started.

"P-PLEASE!" I stammered, snatching it from his mouth and quickly eating it. He smirked and pressed his nose into my hair, chuckling airily.

"You're too cute butterscotch," he sweetly sighed into my hair. "You know, I think it's been a while since you've complimented me," he pondered, wondering just how far he could push it. I parted my lips, slowly sucking in stabling breaths. "C'mon, what's one nice thing gonna do hmm? End the world?"

"Inflate the already massive ego of a bird, make me say it more, tease me endlessly, should I continue?" I asked after I listed, and he hummed, his arm squeezing around my waist. My breath hitched, and he neared me, bumping my nose with his.

His amber eyes drifted downwards before meeting my eyes again. "Well, it's either suffer those consequences, or I'll do something much, much worse," he murmured. His leash was slipping, he could feel it. It'd been a while since he'd held back, and god knows he still needed to, but it was like I was a drug. A chocolate-vanilla scented treat that kept him waiting, specifically for dessert. He was being driven mad.

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