You're Mine [2]

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I was humming to myself, dusting the store when the door rang. I looked up from my cleaning and my eyes brightened at the sight of a familiar face. My face flushed slightly as I skipped up to him and smiled kindly, and he reciprocated.

His chestnut brown hair curled slightly, and his brown eyes were like the colour of rich chocolate. He was kind and warm, which I was greatly drawn to. I would be lying if I said I hadn't had a crush on him since our childhood. He was always a constant presence in my life, my best friend and my confidante, and someday I hoped he would be my paramour too.

"Hey Nao," I greeted, and he patted my head gently. I grinned sweetly, and took his hand in mine as I dragged him to the front of the store. "What's on your mind today?"

"Hmm, I was thinking a lemon tart," he asked, and I made a surprised face, plucking the pastry and putting it in the bag. "Maybe a coffee to-go too?" He requested and I nodded, turning to face the coffeemaker.

"Just black, right? Bitter," I grimaced before chuckling, and watched as the styrofoam cup filled up with the hot liquid. I capped it and slid over to the register. "Alright, and the total comes to a whopping," I made a shocked face, and raised my arms in celebration. "Completely free! On the house for a family friend," I gifted, and he smiled softly, his cheeks warming as he awkwardly averted his gaze.

He cleared his throat, taking the sweet and coffee. "Uh, thanks Bubbles," he said, backing away slightly, embarrassed. I laughed and hopped over, slowly walking with him towards the door. His words were so awkward and adorable, I couldn't help but glow every time he walked in. Suddenly, the door opened, and casually dressed Hawks came wandering into the shop.

He looked towards me, and I was still completely caught up with Nao, my eyes sparkling as we spoke. His amber eyes widened slightly, taking in my expression, my mannerisms, the slight flush in my cheeks. His mouth pressed to a flat line and he ruffled his feathers slightly, deeply unsettled. He looked to the man beside her and squinted, trying to think of who he was. He was a hero, for sure, but he had no idea what his Quirk was. Hawks snorted indifferently, and decided to seat himself by a window, gazing out at the street.

"Heh, I'm so glad you stopped by today Nao, it's been a while," I admitted, my eyes falling to the floor.

"Yeah, hero work has been keeping me busy," he answered, turning towards the door. My heart fell slightly.

"Stay safe," I asked softly, and he nodded silently before heading out the door. I sighed and turned around, and my eyes caught on the winged stranger from yesterday. That melancholic feeling all but disappeared when I laid my eyes on him, and I sighed wearily. "When did you get here," I asked, walking up to him and placing my hands on my hips. He looked away from the window and up at me and smiled. My chest tightened; why did he have to be so attractive!

"Just a moment ago," he answered, standing up. This close, it was blatantly clear he was... Strong, and broad, and handsome. Ugh, he was just overpoweringly amazing in a lot of ways. But there was something he didn't have, at least something I didn't think this man had.

Genuine kindness.

"You seemed pretty chummy with that guy," he stated a little bitterly, and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"He's a childhood friend. What's it to you, stranger," I snapped back, a little defensive of the feelings I harboured for Nao. He reeled back in surprise, before planting his feet on the ground.

"Then strangers we are no more," he straightened his back and held out an open hand. "Name's Hawks, what about yourself?" He asked, and my eyes bugged out.

"W-Wait, THE Hawks, like, like, oh my tickled croissants," I breathed, and blinked. Oh, this guy wasn't just a flirtatious asshole. This man had a rank to his name, had power and responsibility in each of those feathers. I recalled the day before when I had seen those feathers appear over the aisle, it hadn't clicked. It had never clicked, until now. The number three hero was just chilling here, spending his free time, in my café.

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