"Katrina what's happening?!"

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It was now noon. Katrina and Janet were snuggled up in bed, sleeping peacefully before a loud bang woke them both up.

Janet and Katrina bolted up. The kids weren't in the house, and they were both there, so what made that loud bang.
Katrina clutched at Janet and brought her closer. She didnt know what was happening, but had a very good idea of who was in the house. Only one person could actually sneak in without making a noise.
Katrina relax her grip on Janet, but she didnt want to take any chances.
"Czar?" Katrina called out.
He walked in looking pale. Katrina looked at him. Janet's eyes darted back and forth between the two former lovers.
"Czar what are you doing here? And why were you at my mother's?" Katrina asked.
Czar looked a little panicked. "I came here to warn you that your mother was up to something. Involving our-"
"Our pasts yes yes. Get to the point. "
"How do you already know half of this?" He asked Katrina, confused.
She just held Janet even closer to her. "A dream."
Czar nodded.
"So, you wouldn't do what my mother wanted?"
"Of course. I don't want to get in the way of your relationship with Janet."
Katrina nodded. She believed him from what she heard in her dream.
"So you wouldn't work for her, and now she's got Janet's ex husband in the picture. This is brilliant. "
Janet freezes. "Roger?" She whispered. She began to shake.
"Da. Czar will you help us?"
"Of course. What do you need me to do?"
"I need you to watch our boys and Riley while I explain things to Janet. "
Czar nodded and walked away to get the kids. Janey flinched slightly when she referred to the twins as "our boys" with Czar. Katrina had always considered Janet as the boys' second mother.

----‐‐--------------Janet POV----------

I didn't know what was going on. I was scared. I was hurt. I was angry. Katrina says she's mine, yet she seems to always get all puppy eyed at Czar.
"Katrina what's going on?!"
Katrina finally looked at me, and I gasped. The Russian had tears in her eyes. She loosened her grip on me, but she still held me as I rested in her arms.
"Janet it's my past. I haven't been entirely truthful, " Katrina says shakily. I remained silent, giving her lover her undivided attention. It was as if a flock of birds had settled on the meadow, and I didn't want to scare them away.
"I started spy training in Russia when I was around 10 years old. I thought it would be cool, and most of my family were spies. But I quickly realized how awful it was. I experienced violence that people over 18 usually go through. My body was used. My only escape was Czar. I thought I loved him, and he loved me. We both made plans to leave Russia and settle here in Canada. We got married. However, after our first love session we realized we weren't meant for each other. We slowly started the divorce process."
I looked at Katrina. I couldn't believe she hid all of this from me.

I looked down at my lap. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
Katrina started to silently cry. She held me even closer.
"I didn't want you to get hurt. "
"Look Janet you've got to understand something. If my mother is trying to bring my past into this I'm not sure we can be together. It would simply be too dangerous-"
I lunge forward and kiss Katrina. She sobs slightly before melting into the kiss. It was wet with Katrina crying, but sweet and sentimental.
"Katrina I want to stay with you. You're my everything okay? I love you. We're not going to give Ingrid what she wants."
Katrina starts to shake a little, so I held her close to me, laying her head on my shoulder. Eventually she drifts off to sleep.
Wow this must be really bad if Katrina is crying like this, I thought.

-----------------Roger POV----------
I smirk as I look upon Katrina's house. Honestly I was quite glad I helped burn Janet's house down. The fire I started around he stove that was on was perfect.
Now I just needed the Russian out of the picture. Ingrid and I have an agreement. I break Katrina and Janet up, getting Katrina back with Czar, then I get to have Janet. She said I could use any means as a way to accomplish this, as long as I don't get Katrina really hurt.
I won't.
But I'll still hurt them both.
I creep up to the house. I look through the window by the front door, and I see Misha, Sergei, and Riley all running around having a good time.
But no Katrina or Janet.
I knew I wasn't going to hurt the kids unless the got in the way, so I moved to the back.
I finally saw Katrina's bedroom window and grin. 2 figures were in there, sleeping together.
"What do you think you're doing?" A deep voice with a Russian accent said from behind me. Turn around and find Czar. This hair was slightly messy, his ice blue eyes on full alert. His biceps noticable. His tan complexion brought out the many scars on his body.
"You know why I'm here Czar. How did you even find me?"
Czar snorted. "I was a Russian spy idiot. Why do you want Katrina and Janet to break up so bady?"
"Janet is my wife until the divorce papers are finalized."
"Do you see me acting this way with Katrina?! You're a pathetic excuse for a man."
"If I can't have Janet in tact I'll have her with a gunshot wound!"
I pull out my gun and quickly turn around, aiming it at the window.
Czar was fast. He kicked the gun out of my hand, punched me in the jaw, knocked me down, and stomped on my chest. He held me down.
"You're going to leave these girls and their family alone you weakling. You try and hurt them and you'll regret it. GO!!" Czar screamed. The two figures shifted around on the bed, got up, and looked out the window.

-----------Katrina POV----------

"What the hell is Roger doing here?!" Janet yelled at Czar from out the window.
"Judging by the fear in Roger's eyes I would like to assume that he tried to hurt us and Czar intervened," I said.
"Janet, you've got to be careful. Roger wants you back with him until the divorce is finalized. He had a gun and was going to shoot you and Katrina."

I look at Czar, guilt still weighing me down. I had to leave the literally only good man in this world. Yet I was in love with Janet. I wasn't going to let that change. I pull Janet closer to me, kiss her, and whisper in her ear, "We'll be fine."

A/n: hey everyone so I'm at a writers block now. I kinda want Janet and Katrina to get married. But I don't know what all to do exactly. So literally anything you wanna see dm it to me through insta, message me on wattpad, or simply comment it. I really need help rn. Thanks!

Janet x Katrina: A realistic love storyWhere stories live. Discover now