The meeting of Mothers....

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OKAY so I'm adding a very short pg13ish love scene. I will let you know when it's over for those who dont want to read it. if you guys so wish I will write a more mature book, just let me know.

Scene begins:

------------Katrina POV----------

I'm on top of Janet in her bedroom. The kids arent around so we dont have to worry about being interpreted. I look down at Janet, her face beat red as she grips onto me. We are both still clothed, and I plan on changing that very soon.
I lunge down and our lips meet in an electrifying way. Adrenaline courses through me as I dominate her, fingering her waistline with one hand and tracing her jaw, neck, and collarbone with the other. Janet moans and does the same to me before I pull away.
"Ah ah ah. You stay there and keep still of else."
Janet goes red at that, longing in her eyes as she obeys. I stand up and slowly begin to undress myself. Janet's hands twitch.
"No doing anything Janet. This is just a show."
I slowly take off each garment of clothing, teasing Janet. I add a slight sway to my hips as I take my pants off. Finally, I'm only wearing a bra and panties.
"My turn," Janet says as she keeps me down in the position she wants. She gets up and begins to slowly undress herself as well. Finally we are both back in bed, kissing each other, exploring each other's curves, and leaving love marks on each other's skin. Finally we both fall asleep in each other's arms...


-----------Narrative POV----------

Janet and Katrina drive to Katrina's mother's house with the kid.
"I can't believe we're doing this. Your ma doesnt even know we're a thing!" Janet says, her Boston accent thicker and more prominent than ever. She still refused to say that her and Katrina were dating, much to Katrina's dislike, but she understood that Janet still needed time.
"Da my mother should be okay.... I think."
"Not helping Katrina. "
They finally reached Babuska's house and they head inside. There she was, sitting there, looking very hostile. Janet hesitates and gulps, but Katrina grabs her hand and gently brings Janet inside.
The doorbell rings and Nona comes inside.

----------Nona POV----------

"I had to reschedule my colonoscopy for this. Now where is this old hag?" I ask, grinning slightly.
Janet has a fearful look in her eye. "Ma!"
"What?" I ask, acting innocent but fooling nobody. Katrina just smiles and leads me to her mother.
"Mother, Nona. Nona, mother," Katrina says.
"No one told me I'd be meeting the knock off version of Mrs. Doubtfire today."
I shrug at Janet while grinning at her. I turn back to Katrina's mom.
"I know I can drink your old ass under the table so I brought you some premo vodka."
Katrina and Janet look back in forth in horror before Babuska smiles. They both gasped and the kids begin to trade money. I didn't care. I handed the old hag some vodka, and she gestures for me to sit.

"So, what did you want to tell us?" I asked Katrina and Janet. They both look at each other, and I instantly knew. I smiled at them. Katrina acknowledges my smile and begins to speak to her mother in Russian.

"Mama, ya i Dzhanet - odno tseloye. YA ochen' yeye lyublyu."
(Mother, me and Janet are a thing. I love her dearly. "

Babuska raises an eyebrow and replies with, "Etot durak? Iz vsekh zhenshchin, s kotorymi ty mog byt'? Tebe nravitsya ona?"
(This fool? Of all the women you could've been with? You like her?)

Katrina's eyes flare, and I knew some shiz was about to go down.

"Poslushay, mama, Dzhanet - zhenshchina, kotoruyu ya lyublyu bol'she vsego na svete. Ona luchshaya, i eto nikogda ne izmenitsya. Yesli tebe eto ne nravitsya, khorosho, no ya lyublyu yeye vsem serdtsem. Vy ne mozhete etogo izmenit'. Ni seychas, ni kogda-libo. YA lyublyu yeye."
(Listen here mother, Janet is the woman i love most in this whole world. She is bestest, and that will never change. If you don't like it fine, but i love her with all my heart. You can't change that. Not now, not ever. I love her.)

-----------Misha POV----------

We all stand there, shocked at mothers reaction to what Babuska said. Of course Sergei and I knew what she said, but Janet and Nona didn't. They did know something was going on.
"Actually Katrina I need to leave. Thanks for bringing us. Ma, can you take me and Riley home?" Janet asks  clearly upset.
"Sure my little Linguini, but Marie is going to go over to your place. "
Janet groans, "Of course. Let's just go. Bye Katrina. "
"Janet wait-" but she was gone.
Katrina looks at grandmother in anger.
"You really have to be like this?! REALLY?!"
"I preferred that Czar guy. He was Russian!" Babuska snaps back.(btw they're speaking Russian. )

"Don't bring him up! Not with my kids here!"
"They got to know at some point. Boys, Czar is technically still your mother's husband, and he is your father."

Sergei and I stood there, shocked. Mother had a look of pure rage before grabbing me and Sergei with one hand, and giving Babuska a not so nice hand gesture with the other.

"Mother, what did grandmother mean about this Czar fellow being our father and your husband? Does Janet know all of this?" I ask.
"She knows that Czar is your father, but she thinks it was just a one night stand. We met him at the bar last night. She doesn't know we're married though," Katrina replies, calming down a little.
"I think you should tell Janet before she finds out herself mother, " Sergei says.
"I concur," I say.
Mother looks at us both. "Not a word until I'm ready. Not even to Riley. Understood?"
"Da mother," Sergei and I say at the same time .

Hey y'all! Another chapter is gonna be up either tonight or tomorrow! Hope you are liking this! P.S I kinda wanna encourage yall to write your own fanfics bc I've already read most of them and kinda want new ones😅

Anyways I love y'all and thank you for the support! I'm going to tag my socials below


insta: keira_sharp4647
snap: math_nerd19

have a lovely evening/day/night!

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