Carefully, she picked up the hot mug and took a sip of the coffee. It was bitter and sweet all at the same time. Saying it was strong was an understatement. It was fucking delicious.

She took another sip and coffee was soon coming in second after pistachio cake. She couldn't wait to try all the different ways to have it.

"This is very good," she mumbled out as she put another piece of cake into her mouth.

"I'm glad you approve of it," Rhysand said as he every so elegantly sipped a bit of his coffee. On the side, he had some sort of apple tart, that Gwyn made a mental list to try another day.

Mother, she would need to start training right away if she was planning on eating all of these sweets.

They were close to finishing their plates as Rhysand asked, "Anything new since I've
last saw you?"

"Not much expect Azriel coming back. He asked me to move in with him at his apartment," she flushed.

Rhysand's smile was nothing sort of amusement. "I have to say Gwyneth, you certainly have him smitten." She was sure she was blushing even more.

"I guess so."

"How is everything with your powers?" He had gave a few short lessons when she had first gotten the siphons. Lessons on how to control and not drain to much of energy without burning out. Lessons on letting some of it lose without turning crazy.

She filled him in on everything. How her shadows split and now Azriel and her somehow share them. How Azriel had a theory he didn't tell her about their co-shadows.

If there was one main thing she liked about Rhysand was that he always listened to her. He was a good outlet to rant to.

He listened to her words and commented a few things here and there.

Eventually they reached another topic.

"And are you feeling more comfortable," Rhysand didn't need to explain more. She knew what he met.

"Yes, no, somewhat?" Truly, it was a yes, but she wasn't fully comfortable yet.

Rhysand gave a look of understanding.

She dared to push further. "How did you recover after..." she knew he would understand. After Amarantha. After being used for over and over again for fifty years.

His violet eyes guttered. "Truthfully, I never fully did. With everything going on with Hybern and finding out I had mate who loved one of my greatest enemies, I never really got to focus on recovering from that. Some nights are still plagued with nightmares, so horrible that I feel like I never escaped. Until I wake up and Feyre is there, comforting me. She understood from the beginning and never pushed me to share something wasn't ready to do. But everyday since, it's been better. I let it get the better of me at first, but I grew stronger. Some days are worse than others, but the most important thing that can help you is to turn to the person that you know can comfort you."

Azriel, her Shadowsinger.

Gwyn reached acrossed the table and gripped
one of his hands, squeezing it softly.

They both gave each other soft smiles.

"I don't know if I'll ever be truly comfortable," she admitted. "Being that vulnerable again,
I don't think I can do it." Her voice wavered
at her last words.

"The best thing you can do is go slowly. Don't rush into it. And if you never truly get to that point, Azriel could care less. I can truly tell you that he isn't with you for that. He's with you because of the strong willed, confident female you are."

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