7. right here waiting

Start from the beginning

The movie ended so Tommi and Aleksi got up. Being the gentlemen they are, they picked up some of the kitchen before I told them to stop. "Hey Mort, can you tell us where your restroom is? We want to freshen up before bed." Aleksi said running his hand through his black hair. "Yeah it's right down to the left." I pointed still in my sitting position.

The pair went and at that moment I realised my music was still playing softly. The song playing was a song my mom would play all the time growing up. Richard Marx, Right Here Waiting.

Oceans apart day after day and I slowly go insane. I hear your voice on the line but it doesn't stop the pain

I sang the song quietly under my breath as the memories of my childhood flooded back.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you. 

I looked down so see a pair of light blue eyes staring up at me.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." I said quickly. I felt quickly. He softly grabbed my wrist. "Hey I didn't complain. You sound beautiful. It's actually quite relaxing hearing you sing. Plus when you play with my hair, that feels really nice." He said bringing my wrist to his hair. I ran my hand through his hair again and placed it on his cheek, rubbing it with my thumb. He smiled up at me and I returned the smile. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him again.

I was about to do just that when my phone vibrated. I looked at it when I saw "@tompza has tagged you in their story". Confused, I decided to check it out. When I clicked on it I saw a picture of Joonas laying in my lap and my hand in his hair. We were both smiling and Tommi captioned it "lovebirds <3". My face went red and I frantically looked around for the two boys. I saw them creeping right around the corner and I lifted Joonas' head from my lap. He was confused at first but understood when he looked at his phone. I stood up and started walking towards the two men. Aleksi ran as fast as he could to the other side of the room but Tommi just started speed walking.

"Oh you idiot. I'm going to get you." I said taking the hair tie from my wrist and putting my hair up in a bun. "Joel looks just like you with the man filter on snapchat. Aleksi, doesn't she look like Joel?" Tommi pointed out (fun fact my friend actually told me that joel looks like me with the man filter on). "Ha she does. I mean, what no of course you don't Tish." Aleksi corrected when I glared at him.

After a while of staring back and forth between Aleksi and Tommi I finally decided to let them go. "Fine guys just whatever. Here I'll pull the couch out." I said walking over to the couch. I motioned for Joonas to get up and he did. When the three of them were standing over the couch I backed up for a second giving an excuse.

When they all had their backs turned I took that opportunity to jump on Tommi and latch onto his back like a monkey. He was caught off guard and fell onto the ground with me still on his back. Once on the ground I detached and started laughing. Then the three boys started laughing too. I completely forgot about the three boys sleeping. Well I forgot until I heard the click of the door opening and Niko, only in his boxers, came out rubbing his eyes.

"What time is it?" He asked obviously tired. "Aw Niko baby, go back to bed." I walked up to him with my arms outstretched and tried to lead him back into the room. He thought I was going in for a hug so he hugged me. It took me a second to realise he was hugging me but I hugged him back. "Thank you Mort I really needed that." He said patting my back. "Oh um of course Niko. Any time." I said holding back a laugh. He walked back into the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

I turned around and a strand of hair fell into my face but I ignored him. Walking over to the pullout couch I fixed it up so it was actually a bed and easy for them to sleep in it.

"Well boys, I'm going to get ready for bed. See you all in the morning." I started to walk off to bed.

"Wait Mort. You have something in your face." Joonas ran over to me. I put my hand in front of my face to try to move the lock of hair. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to the side of the wall where no one could see us.

He pushed the hair out of my face and placed his hand on my jaw. He leaned in and gave me a soft and gentle yet meaningful kiss. I quickly reciprocated and placed my hands on his shoulders pulling him down to my height.

"Good night Blondie," Joonas said walking away. I wasn't able to wish him goodnight because I was too much in shock. Tonight has been incredibly weird. Not complaining but it's been weird.

I get ready for bed and as I crawl under the covers I let my mind wander to the blonde boy who kissed me not 10 minutes before. Before I went to bed I took my phone out and looked at Tommi's story. To an unsuspecting fan it might look as if Joonas and I are in love. Which is not the case.

It got annoying having to keep tapping back or holding down the screen on Tommi's story so I took a screenshot just so I could further analyse it. Not because I got butterflies every time I looked at the picture. Not because his messy hair was all in my lap and his beautiful blue eyes looked into my brown ones. Nope, not at all related.

Once I convinced myself that, I plugged my phone in, turned over, and went to sleep. The picture, fresh in my mind, overtook my dreams.

HEY. so i decided to put this out idk it might suck it's midnight and my brother is watching youtubers play video games right next to me and i can't concentrate LMFAO

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