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This is a work of fiction. The names, personalities, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the product of My imagination or used in a fictious manner.

Any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, or any event, is purely coincidental.


This story mainly takes place in Florida, USA. Most of the places although existing in real life, are just figments of my imagination and described only to fit the plot.

And I do NOT live in Florida, so I apologise if some specifications will not match with actual specifics.


All rights reserved. This story is published in subject to the condition that it can not be reproduced, retransmitted or translated, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the copyright holder, and any infringement of this is violation of the copyright law.



Just like all of my work and anything that I ever wrote or will write, this is also dedicated to my first supporters and personal cheerleaders, my two best friends.
(I hope you two know who you are, and if you don't: GTH, SAFELY.)



Best friends, Ravi Das and Isaac Hasan have always found a chaotic peace in each other during their hard times.

So when the winter of their junior year is filled with more accusations, discoveries and confrontations, the only person they will have will be each other.

Will their feelings get lost between the foot of height difference and a zillion unspoken words of love, or will it grow to reach heights no one imagined?

Together they will cruise through their newfound world and discover things they were never brave enough to think about.


A thing that must be mentioned:

Inspiration of this whole thing was my friends group.

I mean, two of my closest guy friends on my birthday get together made me see them as like, I really don't know, but they did soooo many couple-y things, my best friend and I started shipping them waaaaaaaay too hard.

Isn't it MateyJackson ?

*smirks in hairdryer*

Anyways, I would love to thank those two idiot friends of mine, but let's hope they never open wattpad and never discover my account and never come across this literally fanfic or ship story about them~


To whoever reading this,

Firstly, Thank You for choosing this book.

And let me say, that this will contain some heavy topics, so proceed with caution. Like, be VERY very cautious.

I'm not much of a sunshiney person, and pretty dark (almost always), but I'll try to keep this story really light hearted, so... Let's hope for the best!

And about criticism;

I honestly have no problem in any kind of comments. You're free to say anything AND everything.

But just be prepared for the replies. :)

'What you sow, you reap.' :)

Now you're free to go and enjoy the story.

If you like it, Vote and share your thoughts through the Comments that I'd love to go through, and if you think someone would like this too, Share.

If you have any suggestions, you might PM me, I'd love to talk to you all.

Again, Thanks a lot for spending your time in reading this.

A looooooooooooot of love,
-M. <3

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