In the ocean of love-Chapter 5

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"So bhai.." akash paused and then added "it would be great support for us if we will have khushi with us.."

Arnav treaded carefully

"Err..Akash..I think it would be best for everyone if you guys can come down to India.That way payal would have all family members around to support her..that would be best..dont you think?"

Akash felt an irritation rising up in his otherwise always calm mind..whether it is just his wife's words about his brothers high handedness or his brothers ignorance towards his work and it's importance he can't fathom.

"Well bhai..I hope you know that,I have taken the overall incharge of presenting Us branch designs for our new launch.It is not possible for me to leave everything behind and come down,besides I want to be there with payal at the time of delivery."

Akash finished,his tone Not pleasant yet trying not to show his irritation.

"I know about that akash.I know you are putting a lot of hard work there and am absolutely looking forward to it.In this situation if you want I can make provisions such that you can move back to India for the brief period and you can supervise the work from here or else we can shift it here too."

"No bhai..I don't think it would turn out to be good for anyone..this particular launch has a lot of my individual inputs,And human resources from US branch with whom I have already made considerable progress.Now shifting or supervising from there seems to be impossible."He sound resigned.

Arnav can understand what he is saying.He knew akash invested himself in the launch project but for any damn thing he can't handle a separation from khushi.NO.

"Akash I understood,but sorry there is no other alternatives..we.."

Akash cut him in middle

"So you are saying no to send khushi here?"his tone now not hiding his irritation.

"Akash we both don't want to be separated even if it is for a short that not reason enough?"

Akash tries to reason with him.

"Bhai payal wish to have khushi with her right one can support her the way she does...I don't think Khushi will deny if payal ask" He trailed off not saying directly khushi would have wanted to be with payal.

"I know her more than herself akash...she would want to be with payal if payal wants that...but..I don't want to put her in situations where she have to make any choice between her family and me..."

Akash maintained silence.

Arnav sighed,torn between the voice at the back of his mind saying to him to agree and mend his relationship with his younger brother whom he adores with all his heart and the yearning in his heart which warns he wouldn't do with her.

"Akash..please try to understand..I can make any necessary shift in your project in every which way you wants ,So that you can be here with the family around payal.Think about it."

Akash replied .

"I know you can bhai..but...forget it.I just wants to tell you that payal seems very much determined on this..I don't know how she will take your decision."

"I will talk to payal if you want Akash."

Arnav took a long sigh as the conversation ended.He identified the warning Akash gave him.When it comes to khushi payal seems as much adamant as him.Payal and his father in law are alike in that matter.If they would have a choice they would never want him around khushi.Between both of them he is not wary of his father in law as much as he is of his sister in law.Shashi may not like him but he was sure that he didn't hate him either not completely at least,for the fact that khushi loves him.Payal on the other hand never showed that consideration to him,in fact he is sure that payal holds it against him that inspite of all that transpired between him and khushi in the past she still love him.His thoughts were broken by his P.A aman.He welcomed work to get rid of his anxious mind.

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